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“Then there’s that.” Wes seemed saddened by the concession. He thanked the server for bringing their bread and decanting their wine. “I wish the circumstances were different.”

“What makes you think I’m looking for more?” She traced the bottom of her wineglass, her gaze on her fingertips.

“Because you can’t even look me in the eye when you ask the question.” He was clearly amused. “Before I met you, I thought the good girl thing was an act to garner sponsorships. It isn’t. That’s who you genuinely are. That isn’t a bad thing, Bree. But I don’t want to be known as the scoundrel who broke the heart of America’s volleyball sweetheart.”

Bree met his gaze, resenting that he knew her so well. Maybe it was the beautiful, romantic setting, but she wasn’t prepared to back down.

That night in London she’d been sure they’d connected. That there’d been the potential for something meaningful between them. The past two days had reinforced that belief.

Something was definitely there. Every moment they spent together indicated Wes felt the same.

What is he so afraid of?

They were attracted to each other. So why couldn’t they just be adults about it?

Regardless of what happened between them personally, they could simply agree to maintain a professional working relationship.

Bree formulated a proposal in her head.

Sound confident, not desperate.

When she returned her gaze to his, he was carefully assessing her. There was a distance in his gaze that wasn’t there moments before.

She lost her nerve, panic gripping her. What if Wes turned her down? Bree couldn’t deal with another humiliating rejection.

“So about the tournament…” Wes leaned back in his chair. “I think we agree now that family-friendly isn’t the way to go. But I promise to promote your volleyball clinics any way I can. After all, it’s the kids’ parents who’ll be paying for it.”

“True.” He’d given her a small concession, likely out of pity. Still, she couldn’t afford to turn down his offer. “We’d appreciate that.”

“You’ll need to have your camp dates, website, organization and promo in place by the time we start printing marketing materials. Think you can handle that?” He’d slipped back into business mode, as if their earlier conversation hadn’t occurred.

If only Bree could be so pragmatic and detached.

“We’ll be ready,” she said resolutely. “Bex is restless. She’ll be glad to have a project to take on.”

“If you need help with the planning and promo—”

“You’d take on a project as small as ours?”

“For high-profile clients like you and Bex? Sure. But I’m not suggesting you hire me. I’m talking about helping as a friend.”

“Friends…is that what we are, Wes?” The stunned expression on his face made her regret her words. Wes hadn’t done anything wrong. Hadn’t promised her anything more than this…whatever this may be. “Sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. Your offer is generous. Thank you. I’ll talk it over with Bex.”

“The sun is setting.” Wes pointed in the distance. He seemed anxious to change the subject.

The sky was streaked with lovely shades of purple and orange. The entire scene glowed like a luminescent oil painting.

“It’s beautiful. I could sit here staring at it all day.”

“Me, too.” Wes wasn’t looking at the sky. His gaze met hers for a moment that felt like an eternity before he finally turned to survey the mountain range in the distance.

Heart racing and hands trembling, Bree did the same, determined to ignore the mixed signals Wesley Adams was sending.

* * *

“Dinner was amazing. Thank you again for such a lovely evening.” Bree stopped in front of her hotel-room door.

“It was a good day,” Wes said softly, leaning against the door frame. His eyes met hers, and were filled with the same longing, desire and frustration she felt.

And those feelings were heightened, as they’d dined on a tower of lobster, shrimp, crab and oysters.

Bree sank her teeth into her lower lip, her heart racing. The idea had been brewing in her head all night, and she’d been emboldened by the longing in his eyes and the gruffness of his voice.
