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Susannah gasped in surprise. ‘You see, he was a complete henwit at the end.’

Behind his casual façade Susannah could see that her son was disgusted by what he’d heard about his uncle and that saddened her because they’d been close. ‘Thomas tried to act honourably,’ she insisted, championing her dead sibling. ‘He ended the affair and urged Arabella to go home. When she knew Thomas wouldn’t take her back she hooked herself a lord instead.’

Alex paced to and fro, thinking deeply on what he’d heard. ‘So I take it that the official version of events is that Mr Dewey stole money through selfishness and avarice and was caught red-handed when his ship failed to come in?’

‘More or less...’ Susannah agreed. ‘Despite what Arabella had done he wanted her name kept out of it as much as possible. I imagine again that was to protect his daughters. The eldest made her come out at sixteen under her aunt Dolly’s wing. But it was a quiet affair. I think by then Mr Dewey knew that his girls would be the butt of malice and sought to protect them in the countryside. I was surprised to hear you say they are again out and about. But some years have passed and fresh gossip always overshadows ancient scandals.’

The tea arrived and Susannah immediately offered her son a fresh cup. But Alex seemed keen to get going.

‘What will you do about Thomas’s bequest?’ Susannah asked.

‘At present I’ve no idea,’ Alex said.

Once Alex had gone Susannah drank her fresh tea and helped herself to a cinnamon biscuit from the plate. She sighed. She had loved her brother dearly, but her darling late husband would easily have won a contest for her affection. George had never made her choose between them, but he had begrudged the fact that his son and heir seemed fond of his dissolute brother-in-law. Alex had visited his uncle frequently when he was of an age to do as he pleased. With hindsight Susannah knew George had been right to want to keep them apart. No bad character traits seemed to have rubbed off on Alex—although Susannah realised Alex’s success with the ladies could rival her brother’s conquests. Nevertheless, if the two men hadn’t been quite so close her brother might not have felt entitled to draw his nephew into a tragedy revived from beyond the grave.

Chapter Nine

Maude Chapman was pleased to be proved right in her theory that the Dewey sisters would attract well-connected followers—as she proceeded into Mr and Mrs Clemence’s sparkling ballroom the first person she saw was Hugh Kendrick. His delighted smile acknowledged their arrival and Maude noticed that Beatrice was shyly mirroring his pleasure. Her eyes darted to and fro to discover if his good friend Viscount Blackthorne had also turned up to pursue Elise, but couldn’t spot him. She cheered herself up; the illustrious viscount might not be in evidence, but many other eligible bachelors were and some, stationed close to the entrance, were giving her pretty charges appreciative glances. The Clemences’ son Jago seemed particularly interested in the girls. Yesterday James Whittiker had sulkily imparted that he’d not been invited to this ball. With soaring spirits Maude had recognised a perfect opportunity for Fiona to improve her prospects without Whittiker dogging her footsteps.

‘Come...let us mind our manners and say hello to our hostess,’ Maude whispered, ushering her daughters and the Dewey sisters towards Mrs Clemence and her daughter Caro.

As the ladies took care of niceties Mr Chapman and Hugh Kendrick strolled towards one another.

Anthony fanned his face with a hand. ‘It’s a warm evening, sir; I think I’m in need of some cold refreshment.’

‘Champagne is on its way, Mr Chapman.’ Hugh tipped his head at the waiters circulating with silver salvers filled with fizzing drinks. ‘And very good it is, too.’ He elevated his empty glass, then deposited it on a tray as a waiter halted in front of them. The two gentlemen helped themselves to filled crystal flutes. Anthony immediately savoured a refreshing mist of bubbles on his skin before tasting his drink.

‘Is your chum Alex on his way?’ Anthony asked, smacking his lips.

‘He’s here,’ Hugh replied and nodded at the doorway just as a footman’s booming voice heralded the presence of Viscount Blackthorne.

Elise wasn’t alone in swivelling about on hearing that announcement. Their hostess and her daughter had started to attention; so had Maude, and Dolly Pearson who had arrived some time earlier with her friend and neighbour Edith Vickers. Elise’s expression was apprehensive whereas the other ladies simply seemed overjoyed at the sight of him.
