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Her defiance drew a mirthless chuckle from Alex. ‘I’ll call on the Chapmans later in the week and we can finish our conversation,’ he murmured silkily. ‘I promise it is to your advantage to receive me. Perhaps you and your sister would come for a drive in the park with Hugh and me.’

Elise said nothing and moved past, her heart pounding as though she were running rather than walking away from him, her moist palms clenched into fists at her sides.

* * *

‘It is very bad of the viscount to disappear so soon after arriving.’

‘At least he did arrive, my dear. I’ve heard he rarely attends these débutante balls.’ Anthony Chapman handed his spouse a glass of lemonade and set about another flute of champagne with gusto, as though it were the first of the evening instead of the tenth.

Maude sipped the cool brew and continued looking around. She had hoped that Elise might tempt the ton’s most eligible bachelor to partner her in a dance. But there had been no sign of Alex for some while. ‘Perhaps he has gone into an ante-room to play cards. You know how gentlemen occupy their time if they’ve no wish to jig about.’

Mr Chapman did indeed know about that as he’d only recently thrown in his hand in Mr Clemence’s library, having lost a guinea to their host in less than fifteen minutes. But there had been no sign of the viscount around the faro table. Anthony knew that the fellow had gone as he’d seen him on his way down the stairs.

‘I suppose he might have escorted a lucky lady to the balcony to take the air,’ Maude mused, not to be dissuaded from her belief Alex Blackthorne would reappear. She’d had high hopes of that distinguished fellow pursuing Elise and stirring up a frenzy of interest, which in turn would guarantee the girls were showered tomorrow in more social invitations. But if the viscount were promenading outside, it wasn’t with Elise. Maude could see all four of her charges dancing the quadrille partnered by young officers in red coats. Hugh had ceased charming Beatrice for long enough to allow her to accept an invitation to dance from another fellow. Maude was glad he had, for propriety’s sake.

‘Oh...I had hoped the viscount would dance with one of our girls!’ Maude came close to stamping a foot in annoyance.

‘I expect the fellow has gone off to female company more to his taste,’ her husband soothed with an accompanying dirty chuckle. Anthony cleared his throat and stuck a finger between his hot neck and his cravat. He was still sober enough to realise he’d had rather too much alcohol to have spoken in such a vulgar manner to his wife.

‘More to his taste?’ Maude sounded affronted rather than outraged. ‘He won’t find prettier... mean that sulky-looking brunette might have the viscount wound about her crooked finger.’ Maude knew, as did most people, about the viscount’s popularity with demi-reps. It made no difference to her—or any sensible mother with daughters to settle—how many mistresses prospective beaux kept prior to their marriages. ‘Perhaps you’re right,’ Maude grudgingly agreed. ‘Celia Chase is quite comely, I suppose, in a common fashion, and might have lured the viscount away. How tiresome that he’s more interested in his mistress than a roomful of débutantes.’

‘Would either of you young ladies like a drink of lemonade? I’m happy to fetch it,’ Anthony babbled, having just noticed that the Dewey sisters had rejoined them. He hoped that the young ladies had not overheard the unseemly exchange between him and his wife. The older girl seemed more interested in locating somebody in the throng, but Elise’s forced smile dismayed Anthony as she declined his offer of refreshment.

* * *

‘Jago Clemence seems a nice young fellow.’ Elise nodded in the direction of their hosts’ son. ‘I’m sure he would have asked you to partner him again if you’d not immediately disappeared into the supper room with Verity.’

Beatrice bit her lip, looking anxious. ‘I hope Hugh won’t think I encouraged him for I did no such thing. I only accepted him to be polite.’

Elise sighed. ‘Why not encourage him? Jago is a charming fellow and his family seem nice. I thought you wanted to meet eligible bachelors and get one to propose.’

‘I’ve met one I like very well,’ Beatrice breathed, eyes glowing.

‘He is in no position to propose,’ Elise muttered wearily. ‘As you well know.’

‘How do you know that Jago is in a better position?’ Beatrice mumbled moodily.

‘Look around you.’ Elise darted admiring glances at their sumptuous environment. ‘If that is not enough to persuade you he has a wealthy family and sufficient prospects, his sister told me that he has bought a country manor with his grandfather’s bequest. Caro hinted he’s buying his own property because he is on the lookout for a wife.’
