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‘That’s not how polite society sees it,’ he murmured. ‘I kissed you and—’

‘And that was not my fault!’ she spluttered, interrupting him before he could elaborate and make her blush deepen. But, embarrassment apart, she’d detected a light teasing in his voice and it infuriated her that he could jest at such a time.

‘My memory serves me differently,’ he responded throatily. ‘You were lucky you stumbled across me and not some lecherous rogue or you’d not have escaped so lightly.’

Despite his self-mockery Elise knew he spoke the truth. She had wanted him to kiss and touch her and had, at first, felt heady with delight when he did, but thank goodness he’d been gentleman enough to stop when she told him to. She’d seriously misjudged the situation and might have been ravished or murdered by a miscreant posing as Mr Best. She had got off lightly...or so she’d thought. But now all manner of calamity could ensue not just for her, but for people she cared about. As much as she was grateful for Alex’s concern, she could understand why he felt able to banter about it. If the story broke, he would face tuts and reproofs for a while, but still be welcomed socially by top hostesses and his adoring mistress. Opprobrium for her would last a lifetime.

‘I didn’t mean to be facetious.’ Discreetly he touched together their fingers in apology. ‘I’m aware it is a serious matter and we must find a solution.’

‘If you manage to deal with Mr Whittiker...what of his friend? Will he then come forwards to blackmail you, too?’ Elise’s mind was attempting to grapple with the extent of the awful possibilities lying in wait.

‘It was a woman who saw us together. She approached and spoke to me that night, so I’m afraid it is not a bluff. We were under observation.’

Elise knew he was hinting that a soliciting harlot had accosted him. On casting her mind back to that fateful evening, Elise did recall glimpsing a woman in a flashy hat moments before she’d sped back to join her party. A large number of the people she’d hurried past on her way to meet Mr Best had glanced at her with contempt, believing her to be a trollop. No doubt the genuine article thought she’d been a rival. Elise felt like wailing her innocence. But it was pointless brooding on injustices. She’d taken a stupid risk and now the damage was done she must take the consequences.

‘Do you trust me to put things right?’

‘What can you do?’ Elise answered in a despairing voice. ‘If you were to pay him, he would surely come back to swindle more money.’

‘There’s not much a man can do when he compromises a young woman and a fellow threatens to expose the matter. He can call for seconds or call on her father.’

‘But it might yet come right! I beg you will not tell my papa about it, even to apologise,’ Elise whispered.

‘Apologising wasn’t my intention...’

Elise bristled. ‘I accept it is more my fault than yours, but you are not free of blame. I only made you stay with me when you would have gone on your way that night because I believed Bea was loitering by the lake and in danger of ruin... Oh...we’re going home!’ Elise remembered the vital news and immediately blurted it out with a protracted sigh of relief.

Once James Whittiker realised his quarry was miles away he might reconsider his actions. She raised her head, meeting Alex’s earthy dark eyes. ‘We had already decided to go earlier today. Beatrice understands that there is no hope of receiving Hugh’s proposal and is adamant nobody else will do. If Mr Whittiker has no victim to torment, surely he will leave you alone.’

‘Your disappearance won’t put Whittiker off the scent, Elise,’ Alex softly disabused her. ‘In fact, such a tactic might fuel the fire. Once rumours have spread people will believe you’ve bolted out of town to escape the scandal.’

‘What else can I do?’ Elise demanded tightly.

‘Marry me,’ Alex said.

Chapter Fourteen

‘You have just apologised for being facetious...don’t you dare repeat the offence.’

‘I’m not joking.’ Alex’s steady gaze captured her anxious amber eyes. ‘I know such a proposal is not ideal or romantic, but there is no necessity for either in such a situation.’ He cursed below his breath as he glimpsed Beatrice and the older ladies emerge from the shop and immediately approach them. ‘Our time has just run out,’ he muttered. ‘When are you to leave for Hertfordshire?’
