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Norman thought that the to do would be far worse if Mr Dewey discovered his younger daughter was again allowing herself to be ravished by a Mayfair rake before the fellow had put a ring on her finger. He took a cautious glance at the fellow’s broad shoulders and thunderous expression. He knew what he’d seen; but he’d pretend he hadn’t, he decided. His wife had said that an engagement might be announced before the day was out. It was obvious Miss Elise hadn’t been putting up a fight.

‘Umm...yer pa wants to know whether you’ll want your guest staying for dinner, Miss Elise. Rabbits need skinning and two more chickens need wringing ’cos seems the doctor’ll be coming back and might want dinner ’n’ all.’

The hand gripping hers in the folds of her skirt tightened. A thumb slipped to and fro against Elise’s soft palm, causing an oddly arousing sensation to weaken her knees.

‘Lord Blackthorne would very much like to stay to dine as he’s very hungry, thank you, Mr Francis,’ Elise said impishly, but she avoided looking at Alex even when his stroking became unbearably sensual.

Norman tugged at his cap and turned to meander back the way he’d come.

‘Come, we must go in to see Papa. He’ll be waiting for our news.’ Elise had seen rekindling desire closing Alex’s eyes to sleepy slits. ‘It will not do to scandalise the servants,’ she squealed as his mouth chased hers, claiming another slow honeyed kiss. Despite her fine words she sagged against him, her small hands splaying over white cambric covering hard ridges of a muscled chest.

‘I think we should be married here before the week’s out,’ Alex murmured against her cheek. ‘I can’t wait longer for you, I swear. I’ll get a special licence easily enough. Please don’t tell me you want a fancy affair in town.’

Elise gazed up at him, shaking her dishevelled blonde head. ‘I don’t. I think a quiet country affair sounds perfect.’

‘We can honeymoon for a couple of days in a hotel in St Albans, then have a wedding reception in town when we’ve had time to arrange things. In the meantime I’ll arrange for an announcement to be immediately gazetted in The Times.’

Elise sprang on to tiptoe to kiss his cheek in a show of love and gratitude. She clasped his face with her hands, as she had earlier, keeping his eyes merged with her glowing golden gaze. ‘I love you very much, Alex.’

‘I know, sweetheart,’ Alex said softly, soothing her bashful blush with a leisurely stroke from a cool finger.

Alex started along the path, his strong grip enclosing Elise’s fragile fingers as he led her back towards the house.

Chapter Twenty

‘It is wonderful...’ Beatrice’s eyes were fixed on the sumptuous stone sparkling on Elise’s betrothal finger. ‘I’m very happy for you both.’

There was wistfulness in her sister’s congratulations and Elise withdrew her hand, feeling rather awkward. Much good luck and happiness had been showered on her in a few hours, whereas for Beatrice there presently seemed only the prospect of being pitied and overlooked as the spinster older sister of Viscountess Blackthorne. Unless... Elise studied Bea’s face, recognising dreaminess in her expression. She realised that perhaps her suspicions were to be proved correct and Bea had really fallen for the doctor. It seemed unbelievable on such a short acquaintance...yet Elise knew it had taken her no longer than a few moments in Alex’s company for exciting, untasted emotions to overwhelm her.

Alex had left immediately to start making arrangements for the wedding at the village church once Walter had expressed his delight at being informed of the happy couple’s decision to get married. But her new fiancé had said he would be glad to return later to dine with them. Elise’s own excitement at the imminent change in her life had been deliberately muted, acutely aware as she’d been of Beatrice’s disappointment at having gained nothing from their trip to town to get the husband and the family life she craved. But now Elise was wondering if Hugh figured much at all in Bea’s thoughts.

‘Have you forgotten all about Hugh?’ Elise asked softly. She picked up the hairbrush from the dresser and gently drew it through her sister’s long pale locks, tilting her head to read Bea’s expression reflected in the dressing table mirror.

‘No...I haven’t forgotten him.’ Beatrice glanced at her hands, folded in her lap. They fluttered a gesture. ‘I liked him very well, but...’ She sighed. ‘I accept now that nothing could ever come of it.’
