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‘That is for others to judge.’ To have calmly said she would rescue the gown after Isabel herself had spoiled it and blamed her for it was unselfish to a degree. Isabel had not bothered to lower her voice and it had carried clearly as they were leaving. Delightful Isabel might be, delightful and beautiful, but she also had a fiery temperament, which took no account of other people’s feelings. Yet Jane was always thinking of other people before herself. Why was he comparing them? He had been doing too much of that lately and it did not bode well.

‘I had better put this away.’ She folded the gown in its tissue and laid it to one side. ‘Now we can have tea without fear of another spillage.’

‘How did it happen?’ Drew spoke for the first time.

‘Isabel is convinced that it is unlucky for the bridegroom to see the wedding dress before the bride joins him at the altar. She was in haste to have it out of sight before you were shown in and so managed to overturn the ink bottle.’

‘I thought it might be that,’ he said. ‘I am glad the gown is not ruined, but I brought this for your sister in the hope it might make up a little for her loss.’ He picked up the brown paper parcel he had been holding on his knee and handed it to Lady Cavenhurst. ‘If you would be so kind as to allow her to accept it?’

‘What is it?’ her ladyship asked, a little doubtfully.

‘It is nothing very much, my lady. A length of silk for a sari. Miss Isabel expressed an interest last evening. If she does not wish to use it as a sari, I believe there is enough material to make a gown. Call it a wedding present.’

‘How very kind of you.’ Her ladyship unwrapped the parcel to find a length of silk in a deep pink that was very similar to that of the wedding gown. There was yards and yards of it but, because it was so fine, it could be folded into a very small parcel.

‘It is beautiful,’ Jane said, reaching forward to touch it. ‘Isabel will be thrilled with it. Mark, what do you say?’

‘Oh, undoubtedly,’ he answered.

‘I brought it from India,’ Drew said. ‘Not only that one, but several others. When I knew I was coming here, I put them in my baggage as gifts for the ladies.’ He grinned suddenly. ‘It is good business, you know. The ladies wear gowns made of the silk and when they are asked where they came by them, they refer to me. I chose that one for Miss Isabel because I noticed the colour of the one that had been spoiled.’

‘How thoughtful of you,’ murmured Lady Cavenhurst. ‘And if Mark has no objection, I will make sure she has it.’

‘I have no objection, why should I?’ Mark said. ‘Drew has already presented my mother with one.’

‘Would you care for one, Lady Cavenhurst?’ Drew asked.

‘That is very kind of you, sir, but I think not. I do not have the figure for such a thing.’

‘As you wish.’ He turned to Jane. ‘What about you, Miss Cavenhurst? Would you like one?’

‘As Mama said, it is very kind of you, but I could not possibly accept such a gift. It is enough that you have promised to donate to my orphan charity.’ It was the answer expected of an unmarried lady, but she could not help feeling a pang of disappointment. She had never seen or touched so fine a fabric.

Isabel, who had heard and seen the gentlemen arrive from her bedchamber window, had hurriedly renewed her toilette and came to join them. Both men stood up and Mark hurried to take both her hands in his. ‘Are you feeling better, my dear?’

‘Yes, don’t fuss, Mark. I was upset because I thought my gown was ruined, but Mama told me Jane can fix it, so all is not lost, after all.’ She turned to Drew. ‘Good afternoon, Mr Ashton. I am sorry I did not greet you properly earlier. Please forgive me.’ This was said with a dazzling smile.

He bowed to her. ‘It is understandable, Miss Isabel. Gentlemen sometimes do not understand the importance of a lady’s dress.’

She gave a tinkling laugh. ‘But you do, is that so?’

Jane was shocked at her sister’s offhand treatment of Mark and her obvious attempt to flirt with Drew. ‘Sit down, Issie,’ she said. ‘The gentlemen cannot be seated again until you do.’

Jane was sitting beside her mother on one sofa, so Isabel sat on the other. Mark seated himself beside her and Drew found a chair. It was then Isabel noticed the silk in her mother’s lap. ‘What have you there, Mama?’

‘It is a sari, my love. A wedding present to you from Mr Ashton.’
