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‘So when is the wedding to be?’

‘Next month. The fifteenth.’

‘Then I wish you happy.’

‘Thank you. You must come down for the wedding.’

‘Oh, I don’t know about that.’

‘Why not? You do not have a prior engagement, do you?’

‘No, I am as free as the air until I find my clipper.’

‘Then why the reluctance?’

‘It is surely up to the bride’s family to issue the invitations? They may not wish to include me.’

‘That’s a feeble excuse if I ever heard one. I can put forward my own guests. Besides, there is something you can do for me...’

‘Oh, and what might that be?’

‘Jonathan Smythe was to be my groomsman, but he had to go to Scotland to visit an elderly relative who is dying and as his inheritance hangs on his attendance at the death bed, he has abandoned me to go to her. I need someone to stand up with me at the altar.’

‘I haven’t seen Jonathan since we were at school together. The terrible trio, they called us, do you remember?’

‘Yes. Always into mischief, the three of us.’

‘My great-aunt and Jonathan’s second cousin live in the same area of Strathclyde, both of them dragons.’

‘I know, but dragon or not, he has been summoned and I am left without a groomsman.’

‘I am flattered, Mark, but why me?’

Mark looked at his friend, his head a little to one side. ‘Because I am sure you will do the job admirably and you are one of my oldest friends, so who better? As soon as I saw you coming down the street, I knew my problem was solved. You will do it, Drew, won’t you?’

‘I’ll think about it.’

‘Don’t think too long. I have to go back to Norfolk the day after tomorrow and before that I have to bespeak me a suit of clothes fit for a bridegroom. Will you help me find it? You can help me choose gifts for my bride and her attendants, too, if you’ve a mind. It is always good not to do these things alone. A wise counsellor is what I need.’

Andrew laughed. ‘From having nothing to occupy me but a good dinner and a game of cards, I suddenly find my time filled with onerous tasks.’

‘Helping me buy a wedding outfit is not onerous. I am not short of blunt. I can afford the best and, if it helps, I will undertake to have a hand of cards with you. We can go to White’s. Are you a member?’

‘No, I haven’t been back long enough to join any clubs and without sponsors I am unlikely to be accepted.’

‘No matter, I will introduce you. So, do we shake hands on it?’ He put down his knife and held out his right hand.

Andrew took it. ‘Very well. Tomorrow we go shopping. I make no promises about attending the wedding though.’

Mark grinned. He was satisfied for the moment. He did not doubt that he would be able to persuade his friend to Broadacres and then he might find out the truth about why he had disappeared so suddenly. He did not believe the tale of family business because, as far as he knew, Andrew’s only family was an elderly spinster great-aunt who had had no wish to look after the orphan when his mother and father both died within weeks of each other. She had put him out to foster parents until he was old enough to go to school. From the odd things Drew had told him, he had been subject to physical abuse and mental torment. Mark had always felt sorry for him when they were at school, because when all the boys went home for the holidays, he had been left behind. He had invited him to Broadacres, but until Drew was old enough to make his own decisions he had been forbidden to come on the grounds it would give him ideas above his station. It was when they’d left university that he had been prevailed upon to spend some time at Broadacres before looking for a way of earning a living. Why, if it was family business that had called him, did he make such haste to go to India?

* * *

When they had finished their meal, which Andrew insisted on paying for, they parted, promising to meet again soon. Mark hired a hackney to take him to Halliday and Son to consult the son, Mr Cecil Halliday, about the marriage settlement. Mark was a careful man, but he was not ungenerous; he wanted to be sure Isabel had enough pin money to buy whatever she liked in the way of gowns and fripperies without having to appeal to him every time. He was not unaware that Sir Edward was struggling—it was obvious by the state of the house and grounds—and he had waived the dowry he had been offered. He knew how much of a sacrifice that would have been for the others—her ladyship, Jane and Sophie—who might suffer as a consequence. It was the last thing he wanted.
