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But they didn’t take the high road, the trap turned into the gates of Witherington House and continued up the drive, closely followed by the curricle. As soon as both came to a stop, Jane scrambled out and ran to the boys, intending to confront the man. He jumped down and bowed to her. ‘Senhora, I believe these belong to you.’

‘Mr Estaban!’ she exclaimed.

Mark was beside her. ‘You know this man, Jane?’

‘Yes, he came to me for a job.’

Everyone started to talk at once—Jane expressing her gratitude, the boys excitedly telling of their adventures and Mark accusing the man of abducting the children and stealing the pony and trap.

‘I beg your pardon, senhor,’ Paolo said. ‘I deny that. I found the young gentlemen trying to turn the vehicle in a field gate. A wheel had become stuck against the gate post. I recognised the pony and helped them to free it, then persuaded them to allow me to bring them back.’

‘Is that the truth?’ Mark asked Harry.

‘Yes,’ he said, shame-faced. ‘We only wanted to try driving.’

‘Then you had all better come inside and tell us about it,’ Mark said, ushering them through the kitchen door.

‘Here they are,’ Jane told Mrs Godfrey and Mrs Butler, who were sitting at the kitchen table discussing the situation. ‘Safe and sound. I am sure they are hungry and thirsty, so could you find us all something to eat and drink and bring it to the little parlour?’ The room, which had once been old Sir Jasper’s bedroom, had been thoroughly cleaned and was now a comfortable sitting room, which Jane liked to think of as her office.

* * *

It did not take long to establish the truth of what Mr Estaban had said and to hear the boys’ account of their adventure. They had intended to go the nearest town just to look round, they said, but realised they had taken a wrong turn when the road ended in a vast expanse of water. In trying to turn round they had become stuck. The gentleman had helped them out.

‘I explained to them the worry they would cause you,’ Mr Estaban said. ‘You are a woman alone in a household of women with only one elderly male servant. It is not good. You need a man.’

Jane looked at Mark and felt the colour flood her cheeks.

‘Mr Estaban is right, you know,’ he said. ‘You do need a man.’

‘But you come when you can.’

‘Not often enough, I am afraid. There should be someone here all the time. Mr Estaban, I believe you applied for employment here? Do you still wish it?’


‘Tell me about yourself.’

‘This is Lord Wyndham,’ Jane explained. ‘He is one of the Hadlea Children’s Home trustees.’

Paolo told Mark the same story as he had told Jane. ‘I can manage horses and I can manage children,’ he ended.

‘I thought of buying the pony and trap for the Home,’ Jane put in. ‘I think I am going to need it.’

‘Good idea. I’ll make an offer to Sir Edward on behalf of the trustees.’ He turned back to Estaban. ‘Where are you staying?’

‘At an inn along the Lynn road.’

‘Go and fetch your things. You can start straight away. And you boys, take these empty plates back to the kitchen and stay there until I decide what punishment to give you. You can start by grooming Bonny and my horse.’

They obeyed and Mark and Jane were alone. He shifted to sit beside her and put his hand over hers. ‘Stop shaking, Jane, my love, it is all over. They are safe and Mr Estaban will be an asset, I am sure.’

‘He cannot take your place.’

‘I should hope not!’

It was an attempt at humour and she dutifully smiled. ‘What have you been doing lately?’

‘This and that. Asking questions, groping for a miracle.’

‘Miracles almost never happen. We would be unwise to put our trust in miracles.’

‘Oh, I don’t know...’ He could not go on. She had had enough upset for one day and he could not add to it. ‘Would you like me to take you home?’

‘No, thank you. The trap is here and I ought to wait for Mr Estaban to come back. Besides, I spend little time at Greystone these days. Lord Bolsover is always there, gloating.’

‘Don’t marry him, Jane, please don’t. I could not bear it.’

‘Mark, it is not up to you. You will be married to Isabel. And there are some who think I will be doing well for myself, finding a wealthy husband at my age and one with a title, too. I know many of the villagers think so.’
