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‘Virvir!’ Her face crumpled. ‘Why does Rurik keep defying me? I wish I’d never taken the boy in. He has been nothing but trouble.’

‘Boys will be boys. Let me handle this, Kara.’ Silently he willed her to compromise. ‘See how excited he is. My men will keep him from harm. He will learn that the best warriors respect women.’


‘Men who know how to use weapons properly, rather than bullies who will simply encourage bad behaviour,’ Ash corrected.

Kara bit her lip, turning it the colour of autumn rosehips. ‘Very well. I suppose I should go and see about the sewing. There is more to getting ready for winter than watching warriors train, despite what my women seem to believe. By the time your men depart, I suspect more than one woman will have a full belly.’

‘Stay. Stay and watch me train,’ he asked softly, willing her to agree. He used to find excuses to send her away, but now he wanted her there. He wanted to show off for her. She had to be softening a little. ‘Like you used to.’

Her cheeks coloured slightly, but she turned her head towards the dogs. ‘Why would I want to do that? I’ve no need of learning swordplay. I have no wish ever to be in a battle and there are a thousand things I need to do.’

‘Because I work harder when I know you are watching.’

‘Showing off.’ Her tongue flicked out and wet her lips, turning them a deeper red than the last of the summer cherries.

‘Demonstrating my skill.’

‘A warrior’s skill has no place in a peaceful farm. Why not demonstrate your skills with livestock or bringing in the grain?’

Ash’s jaw tightened. Kara intended on fighting him for every morsel of respect and he knew he could not explain about his plan. If he did, she’d take Rurik away and any hope he had of gaining their regard would vanish. Some day he’d prove to her that she needed him and his unique skills.

‘They ensure a farm stays at peace. You have enough men to do the other tasks, but this estate is not very well defended.’ He paused, seeing her slightly shocked expression as she lifted her head from the dogs. ‘Are you going to deny it?’

Kara tilted her chin in the air, looking the picture of a virtuous lady. It was all he could do to keep his hands at his sides, rather than grabbing and kissing her red lips. He had trouble remembering the last time he’d had to exercise this much self-control.

‘I watch only because I want to be able to answer Rurik’s questions tonight,’ she said with a tiny triumphant smile. ‘What sort of mother would I be if I failed to answer my son’s questions?’

‘I’m sure he is glad that you take an interest.’ He lowered his voice for her ears only. ‘I know I am.’

‘Please stop.’ Dipping her head, Kara made a show of brushing the dirt from her gown. ‘You overreach.’

He caught her hand in mid-swipe, raising it to his lips. Her flesh quivered under the gentle pressure. ‘If I offended you, I’m sorry.’

She withdrew her hand, but her eyes sparkled.

‘Your apology is accepted.’ She wrinkled her nose. Ash’s heart skipped a beat. The tiny gesture was so instantly familiar that he could not believe he had forgotten about it. He used to try and get her to wrinkle her nose for the sheer pleasure of watching her. ‘Who am I fooling? Yes, I do like to watch you fight. I always have. It can be very exciting to watch, but mainly it is for Rurik.’

‘I always used to try to fight better if I knew you were watching,’ he said with a rueful smile. ‘I always knew you were there, Kara, even when you hid in the bushes before we were engaged.’

‘I didn’t... That is... It was only the once and I was returning your falcon.’ Her eyes bulged. ‘You remember that!’

‘I had not thought about it for a long time,’ Ash admitted. ‘But it is in the back of my mind. It was one of the reasons why I gave your name when my father asked whom I wanted to marry. It felt right. And our marriage still feels right to me.’

‘You mean you had other more important things to think about.’ Her shoulders shook with barely suppressed indignation. ‘I understand. Just remember that my son isn’t something to be forgotten or ignored in the way I was. He isn’t to be humiliated either.’

Ash struggled to control his fury. She had twisted his words. He had deliberately put such things from his mind. What was the point of remembering the good times when he was stuck in the horror of unending war? ‘I can remember my father yelling at me on this very training ground to be a man, to be a warrior and never to be weak like a woman. Know I will never humiliate Rurik in that way.’
