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‘And what if it doesn’t happen?’

‘We enjoy each other and the child we do have.’ He put his hand on her shoulder and felt her flesh quiver. ‘If you want me to be a farmer, Kara, I’ll try. I want to be the sort of man you want for your husband.’

Kara gnawed at her lip. ‘That would be good.’

‘Is there something wrong?’

‘Nothing at all. The hour is late. People will get concerned.’ She leant forward and nipped his chin. ‘I shall tell whoever asks that I had a lovely lesson in tracking.’

Ash allowed his laugh to ring out and startled several wood pigeons. Things would work out this time. He would defeat his uncle and then he could work at being the sort of man Kara wanted him to be.

Chapter Thirteen

Kara inhaled deeply as she slipped off her cloak in her chamber. Ash had gone to make sure all the equipment he’d brought with him was properly stored, leaving her to make her own way to her chamber. She thanked the gods for a small piece of luck—she managed to get to her chamber without encountering anyone and having to suffer knowing stares or, worse still, questions.

She plucked a stray twig from her hair. His declaration about being willing to be a farmer had unsettled her. It was the last thing she expected from Ash and she had trouble thinking of him being happy, yet he had seemed sincere. It was what she wanted, wasn’t it? Someone by her side to share the burden. Her perfect mate. It made no sense. She should be happy, but it unnerved her as if there was something Ash was keeping from her.

‘My lady, thank the gods you have returned. Visitors are in the hall.’ Thora rushed into the room without knocking. Her kerchief was askew and the relief was etched on her face.

‘Have you made them comfortable?’ Kara automatically straightened her dress, silently blessing whichever god had watched over her earlier. If she had gone straight to the hall, everyone would have guessed what had happened and it was far too new to share.

‘Yes, my lady.’ Thora twisted her pinafore.

‘What is the trouble, Thora? You appear distressed.’ Kara straightened her gown. ‘Is it Harald Haraldson? You don’t need to fear that his men will behave badly this time. Ash and his men will keep the peace.’

‘It’s Valdar, my lady.’

Kara’s heart knocked. Valdar. She wasn’t ready to see him. Her relationship with Ash was far too new. They were still getting used to each other.

‘Valdar,’ she said, biting the back of her thumb.

Thora smiled. ‘Rurik is beyond excited, but considering your recent history and the master being here, do you really want him here?’

Kara hoped her colour stayed normal. The hall traded on secrets and she wasn’t ready to share what had happened in the forest with anyone. She and Ash hadn’t even begun to discuss sleeping arrangements. He might not want to share her bed because of his nightmares.

‘I’ve no choice in the matter.’

Ash strode in. He glanced at Thora, who blushed, and then purposefully went over to Kara and kissed her lips. Thora hurriedly backed out of the room, stammering. The news would be all over the estate before night fell.

‘Problems?’ Ash asked, tightening his grip on her waist. ‘Whatever they are, they can wait. Let’s take a bath together, wash the dust away. I can scrub your back.’

She broke away. ‘Visitors.’

‘I know.’

Kara froze. He knew and still suggested bathing. Had he known they were near before he took her out into the woods? ‘You knew.’

He laughed. ‘Hard to miss a half-dozen extra horses.’

Her neck relaxed slightly. There was a logical explanation. ‘Oh, I doesn’t matter. But there is no question of bathing, Ash. That would...that would be rude.’

‘A suggestion in case you wanted to look your best, rather than like you’d had a delightful tumble in the forest.’

‘I...I can’t abandon my duties.’

He shrugged. ‘Always one for duty, Kara.’

‘The honour of the house is at stake.’

‘What do you intend to do about him?’

There was no mistaking the jealousy in Ash’s tone. She smiled inwardly. After all they had shared this afternoon he should know which man she preferred.

‘I will greet him with the usual warmth. Valdar has been a good friend. Only a friend.’ She began to walk towards the hall with brisk steps. The last thing she wanted was for Ash to start some unnecessary competition with Valdar where she was perceived as a prize. That was all his suggestion about bathing had been about—a way of presenting her as a trophy to Valdar. She liked Valdar. She’d no wish to hurt him.
