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‘And you are?’

‘Brand Bjornson.’

A young boy of no more than seven years came out, dusty and dishevelled. He held out his hand. ‘I will accept your protection.’

Brand took it gravely and shook it. The expression in the boy’s eyes reminded him of his youth. ‘And what do you do, Godwin?’

‘I serve the lady.’

‘Lady Edith?’ Brand crouched down so his eyes were level with Godwin.

‘That’s right. My da said I had to as he went with Lord Egbert. Only Lady Edith told me that she didn’t need any help.’ He scuffed his foot in the dirt. ‘Except she can’t watch for the bad men like I can.’

‘I can imagine.’ Brand rubbed his temple. Whichever bad men Godwin feared, Lady Edith had feared them as well. The passageway was blocked deliberately.

‘There you are, Godwin!’ Lady Edith called out, hurrying forwards. ‘Your mother is looking for you.’

‘I fear I detained him, Lady Edith.’ Brand put a hand on Godwin’s shoulder. Lady Edith knew. She had more spies than one boy. ‘He has been enlightening me.’

She put her hand to her neck. Several tendrils of black had escaped from her headdress and framed her face. ‘He is just a boy.’

‘I know what he is. What is his role here?’

‘He is the son of one of my husband’s retainers.’ Lady Edith nodded to Godwin. ‘Your mother has been searching everywhere for you.’

Brand put his hand on Godwin’s shoulders. ‘He was here, watching for the bad men. I’ve explained that no bad men are here and he is under my protection.’

Edith faked a smile as her stomach knotted. How much had Brand guessed? She had to hope that he hadn’t discovered the blocked tunnel. She’d blocked it so that Egbert could not sneak back and catch them unawares after he’d left for the rebellion.

‘Godwin, come with me, your mother is worried. She wants you to look after your baby sister. You are the man in the family now.’

Godwin screwed up his face. ‘I want to stay here with the warriors.’

Edith glanced at Brand. He had made a conquest.

‘You should do what Lady Edith requests, Godwin. A good warrior always looks after his women.’

Godwin scampered off, leaving her alone with Brand. Edith regarded the piles of wool and salt cod, rather than looking at his broad frame silently looming before her.

Her prayers had gone unanswered. Even when John the tallow maker’s son had told her about the find, she’d hoped that he had not uncovered the salt cod or the passageway.

‘You discovered my hiding place,’ she said when the silence grew too great.

‘The salt cod had spoilt. The wool remains good.’

Edith pressed her fingers together and tried not to scream as the rain started to fall heavier, soaking her to the skin. He enjoyed prolonging the torture. He knew about the passage. He had to. But she couldn’t blurt out about it in case by some miracle it had gone unnoticed. ‘And you are an expert in salt cod?’

‘My father was a trader and I learnt at his knee.’

‘I see.’ Edith wiped the rain from her eyes and the end of her nose. ‘I obviously made a mistake. It won’t be the first time.’

‘It is good to know you can admit to mistakes.’

‘I’ve no trouble taking responsibility for my mistakes.’ She raised her chin defiantly. ‘Ruined salt cod is not good. I paid good money for it and now it has no purpose except to go on the rubbish heap.’

His face grew thunderous. ‘You didn’t come to find Godwin. You came because you knew the wool and salt cod were discovered. What else is there, Lady Edith? What should I be looking for? What was worth spoiling a year’s supply of salt cod for?’

‘You’re wrong.’ Edith forced her shoulders back. She had excellent reasons for keeping quiet about the salt cod and the wool. ‘Godwin’s mother asked me to find him as she worries. I happened to search here.’

‘A happy coincidence, then.’

‘Yes. That’s right. Is there anything else?’ She waited with bated breath for him to ask about the passageway.

‘I wish you to look your best for the feast. You should be attending to that rather than searching for a lost child.’ Brand’s lips turned upward. ‘Your cousin might be able to help you with your hair if you are not used to such things. Now if you will excuse me, I have an estate to explore. On my own.’
