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Hilda looked thoughtful. ‘I dislike working in the kitchens, Edith. It makes me want to pour poison in their soup. And I hope they choke on the beef.’

Edith shuddered slightly at the thought of her cousin poisoning someone. Hilda was far too impetuous.

‘Then it is best that you don’t have to work in the kitchens any more.’ She gave a wry smile. ‘Orders. We all have to obey them, some time, even me. You’re to help me do something with my hair. Lord Bjornson dislikes my headdress.’

‘I am to dress you now? Like a common servant?’

‘You are to be my companion and help me. I can use your eyes and ears,’ Edith said, thinking quickly. ‘It is quite important. It is why you must dress in your finest clothes.’

‘Served up for some Norseman’s delectation so I can spy?’ Hilda went pale. ‘It is all right for you, but I wanted something more from my life.’

Edith bit back the words asking Hilda about why, then, she had agreed to be Egbert’s mistress? ‘Hilda, for once, help.’

‘Very well, but I won’t wear my best gown. I want to be overlooked.’ Hilda’s entire body shook and her eyes were wild. ‘You promised, Edith. I came here to be safe from the Norsemen. Keep me safe.’

‘You never will be overlooked, Hilda.’ Edith put her hand on Hilda’s shoulders. ‘Hush now. I’ll do my best to keep you safe, I promise, but neither of us is in charge of our destiny right now. Some day we both will be. You have to believe that. The Norsemen never stay long. Here we have the chance to regain the land.’

‘You don’t really believe that, do you, Edith?’

Edith looked over Hilda’s shoulder to the blank wall where she could see the shadows move. The memory of Brand’s kiss surged through her. ‘I have to believe it. I need hope. If I give that up, the world will truly be black. The only thing which keeps me going is my duty towards my people.’

Her cousin leant her head against Edith. ‘I’m sorry, Edith. You are so good to me and I am such a beast. Egbert and I—’

‘We don’t need to talk about him, Hilda. Ever.’ Edith put her fingers across Hilda’s mouth. ‘He is dead and bears a large part of the blame.’

Hilda’s eyes filled with tears. ‘So you knew. You never said anything despite...’

‘Egbert was my husband. How would I not know?’ Edith rolled her eyes. ‘It is in the past.’

‘What is this Brand Bjornson actually like? I’ve heard terrible stories. I’m worried about you. You seem strong, but can you withstand his sort of lovemaking? It could all go so wrong.’ Hilda brushed away her tears. Where crying turned Edith blotchy, Hilda managed to weep prettily. ‘You are so brave to take on this role. I do want to help you. We could try dressing your hair differently. Something to add colour to your face. And you could try not talking back. A man likes to believe he is right.’

‘Far too late for that, Hilda.’ Edith gave a little laugh. She might be about to become a concubine, but she refused to be subservient. ‘He knows what I look like and I’ve never been able to keep silent.’

Hilda grabbed Edith’s arms. ‘If he is not good to you, Edith, I will scratch his eyes out. But I’m serious. I want to help. Our lives depend on your success.’

‘I believe you would too.’ Edith laughed. Her entire being relaxed. She was far from alone. Hilda would help in her own way. She had to hope that included being civil to the Norsemen.

* * *

The smell of roasting oxen filled the hall, making Brand aware of how long it had been since his last meal or since he’d last had beef. He knew it was extravagant, but it was one more promise fulfilled—his first meal in his hall. He had to hope that it tasted as good as it smelt.

He glanced over to where Lady Edith sat. She had changed out of her shapeless gown into a dark blue one which highlighted her grey eyes, but her expression remained mutinous and she kept glancing over to where her cousin sat. He’d placed the cousin between Hrearek and another of the warriors. She appeared full of gaiety and charm. It was pure spite that had made Lady Edith banish her.

Brand took a sip of his mead. He would bed Lady Edith, but not yet. The fun with her was in the chase. He wanted to unwrap her layers naturally, rather than forcing the pace. He had a year to seduce her. He wanted to prolong this feeling of interest.

‘Is the food up to the standard you require, my lady?’ Brand asked, breaking the silence which had wrapped about them. ‘You appear preoccupied and have barely tasted your meat. I had the cook use some of the spices I brought. They are imported from Byzantium. Are you waiting for me to feed you?’
