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His smile grew. ‘I’m pleased you understand.’

A shrill scream rent the air. Edith watched in horror as Hilda was pulled into one of the Norseman’s laps. The man roared with laughter. She screamed again and pushed at his chest, but the Norseman roared with more laughter. Edith slammed her fist down on the table. The resounding crash made everyone stop and stare.

‘This is how your men behave?’ Edith said, pointing at the pair. ‘My cousin should be treated with respect.’

Brand shrugged. ‘Hrearek always treats his women well. It is the manner of his wooing she objects to.’

‘Hilda is not his woman!’


Edith retained a narrow lead on her temper. How arrogant of Brand to assume that Hilda was an apple ripe for the picking. ‘Until such a time that she readily agrees, she shouldn’t be manhandled.’

‘You are making too much of it. It is a bit of play-acting and fun on both their parts.’ Brand leant closer. ‘Hrearek knows my wishes and will not cross lines. I remain the leader of the felag. All my men obey my orders. Your cousin is safe. Nothing will happen to her if she does not wish it.’

Hilda gave Edith an agonised glance and Edith knew she had mere heartbeats to avoid disaster. Thankfully she had dealt with this situation many times before with Egbert and his men.

Edith stood up and smoothed her skirt. She made sure that her voice could be heard in every part of the hall. ‘If you have finished playing your game, Hilda, I wish to retire and leave the men to their feast.’

The entire hall fell silent. Hilda flushed scarlet. The Norseman made another lunge for Hilda. Hilda pulled back her hand and struck the Norseman, a loud ringing slap. The silence deepened. Hilda’s arm froze in mid-air. The colour drained from her face, recognition of what she’d done dawning far too late. The air hissed with the sound of drawn swords.

‘He pinched my bottom! Next time I will plunge a dagger in his heart.’

‘Hilda, it is time we left the men to their stories and drink. We retire now.’ Edith pressed her hands together and offered up a silent prayer that she could get Hilda out of here without any blood being spilt. ‘You know what feasts can be like. Leave the men to enjoy the mead. It is a particularly fine vintage, one that my father laid down.’

The Norseman who held Hilda started to protest in his native language, but Brand lifted his finger. At Brand’s gesture, the Norseman released her. Hilda twitched her skirt out of his hand.

‘The women wish to retire. Allow them.’ Brand’s voice boomed. ‘Remember your manners. The women are under my protection. You disobey me on this and you will feel the full weight of the felag on your shoulders.’

The man muttered something, but then he let Hilda go.

‘Thank you,’ Edith whispered. Relief washed through her. He understood what had nearly happened and what she’d tried to do. Somehow it made things easier. But she hated being indebted to him.

He put his hand on her sleeve. ‘We are not through, you and I, but I release you for now. Your cousin is volatile. Hrearek is not a man to cross, particularly in this mood.’

‘I didn’t expect it to be finished.’ Edith hated how her stomach trembled, but she had to speak up for Hilda. She wanted to know what sort of man Brand was. ‘I know what I agreed to. I don’t recall my cousin being offered the same.’

His eyes danced slightly. ‘I only have one woman at a time. It makes for an easier life.’

Edith’s face immediately went hot. Like it or not, she was shackled to this man for the time being. When he discarded her, she had no idea of what would happen to her, but she had to take each day as it came. ‘That is not what I meant. She should be allowed to retire to a convent if she likes, rather than becoming some Norseman’s plaything simply because he has had far too much ale or mead.’

A muscle jumped in his cheek and his scar stood up more sharply from just above the gold torc. ‘You are asking for her? Why? What concern is it of yours? She was your husband’s concubine. You must have hated her for it.’

Edith kept her head up. What sort of women was the Norseman used to? Of course she was concerned! ‘She is my kinswoman. She deserves some respect. I have no wish for her to be passed from man to man like some plaything. I know her story. My marriage to Egbert is none of your concern, but I know what sort of man he was.’

‘I shall take your views into consideration.’ He waved his hand. ‘Since you begged so prettily.’
