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‘Why?’ The single word rippled over her nerves.

‘She will need to vacate my bed.’

‘That would be good idea. I dislike the idea of you sharing your bed with anyone else.’ He inclined his head. ‘Pleasant dreams, Edith.’

She took a cautious step backwards. ‘It isn’t time for bed yet. I want to allow Hilda time to make other arrangements.’

‘Really? I gathered you had a disturbed night last night. You should rest as you do not know what tonight will bring.’

‘I doubt it will bring anything but peace.’

‘One can hope.’ He paused and a shadow of a dimple showed in the corner of his mouth. ‘Peace is what one requires when one rests.’

Edith hurried from the hall and pretended not to hear the sound of hearty male laughter. She knew she should be relieved that everything had worked out how she hoped, but it seemed like she had just made a bargain with Lucifer himself.

Chapter Seven

Brand took a cautious sip from his mead and watched Edith as she took her place for the evening meal. Rather than sitting next to him, she stopped a few places away and sat down with a great flourish of her gown, dark blue shot with silver. And her head was bare. She carried herself like a queen.

He smiled inwardly. The next part of his scheme was about to go into operation. He wanted to probe Edith’s mind and get to know her before he bedded her. He had little doubt that it would end in a bedding and not a wedding. He had chosen the sort of woman he’d marry years ago—biddable, excelling at homemaking and a woman who accepted his word was law. Edith was more akin to one of the Valkyries than the women he’d left behind Norway.

The memory of her passionate response to this morning’s kiss haunted his brain.

Edith might feel that she was no longer his concubine, but he knew differently. This title or that didn’t matter; it was the actual job which was important.

She’d made a tactical error in accepting his terms, but he saw no point informing her of it. She would surrender to him...eventually. He looked forward to her next move. Playing this sort of tafl made him feel alive.

Brand motioned to one of the servants, but made sure his voice would carry. He pointedly looked where Edith sat laughing with one of his men. She had no business laughing with Starkad. Starkad had more women chasing after him than there were stars in the heavens.

‘Inform Lady Edith, she is to sit next to me, rather than making merry with one of my men.’

Edith reddened and moved quickly to sit beside him. She wore a dress which brought out the blue in her eyes. ‘I had assumed you’d wish to dine with your men. I find them to be quite amusing.’

‘You are to be my adviser, it is only natural you should sit here.’ He nodded, ignoring the implication that he wasn’t amusing. He could be as witty as the next man when called on. ‘In case I need advising. What is the point of having an adviser who is elsewhere?’

‘I will attempt to remember that in the future.’ She sat down with a natural grace. ‘I only wish to please.’

Brand frowned, feeling that she had won the point without even trying.

* * *

Throughout the meal she ate very little and answered his questions in an overly sweet manner. Brand made his questions more and more outrageous to see if he could provoke a response, but her tone remained one of distant politeness.

‘You mentioned you play tafl? I’ve lost a most formidable opponent with Hrearek’s departure,’ he asked finally in desperation as the meal drew to a close and she started to rise.

She sank back in her seat. ‘None of your men...’

‘My men offer little challenge. You, on the other hand, have potential.’

Her body became instantly on alert. However, her eyes concentrated on the table, rather than meeting his.

‘My father taught me.’ Her voice was studiedly toneless.

‘But you haven’t played in a long time. Your husband failed to live up to expectations,’ he said, making a quick guess. ‘He lost to you.’

‘Unfortunately my husband felt it was a game for men, but I used to be very good.’

‘You liked winning.’

‘There is very little fun in playing a game to lose.’

‘I agree entirely.’

Her gaze raised and he could see the hidden shadows of vulnerability in her eyes.

‘Why do you ask?’

‘I would like to play with you and test your skill.’ He resisted the temptation to cover her hand with his. She wouldn’t thank him for it. Not yet. She had her wild expression in her eyes. ‘I like to make sure my advisers understand the rudiments of strategy.’
