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‘That would be wrong, particularly when I’m only a novice at your type of kissing.’ She looped her hands about his neck and stood on her tiptoes and brought his mouth down to hers again. He stood unmoving for a moment, forcing her to run her mouth over his as he had done to her, trying to coax a response. When she thought it was hopeless, his mouth yielded, inviting her in. She darted her tongue between his lips, running it over his teeth. This time, the kiss had no chasteness about it, but was dark and carnal, demanding more of the same. A heady sense of power swept through her. She had started this kiss. She was in control and in charge. It was up to her how long it lasted.

His arms instantly tightened and pulled her closer against him, moulding her curves tightly to his hard planes, allowing her to feel his arousal pressing into her.

His mouth left hers and pressed small kisses along the line of her jaw to her ear, sending licks of fire throughout her body. Tiny little gasps emerged from her throat. Her hands gripped his hair.

‘Hush, hush,’ he murmured, his accent becoming more pronounced. ‘Relax and enjoy, little bird of mine. We have all the time we need.’

‘Bird?’ She looked up at him and was lost in the blue-green pools that were his eyes. ‘You make me sound like some delicate creature. I am quite tough, I swear to you.’

‘Stop beating your wings against the cage. You’ll fly soon enough.’ He drew a finger down the side of her face and gave a half-smile. ‘You understand how to kiss properly now when you have lost a race, yes? You are a quick learner.’

She nodded and knew she could tease a little. She leant back against the circle of his arms. ‘If that is all there is...I have given the kiss. The wager is finished. Perhaps we should consider returning to the hall. There is bound to be someone who requires your attention.’

‘Such a kiss deserves the appropriate response.’

‘Do I need more than one lesson?’

‘You need many lessons.’ His teeth caught her earlobe and tugged. The sensation was far more exciting than anything she’d experienced before. She had thought that somehow she could never experience pleasure from a man’s touch, but Brand had amply demonstrated how wrong she was.

His hands tangled in her hair, releasing it from the headdress and sending it spilling out over her shoulders. He wrapped some of her hair about his hand and brought it to his lips.

Burgeoning warmth swept through her, blotting everything else out. She wanted more from him than a kiss. She needed more. She wanted to feel his skin slide against hers. Her body arched towards him, seeking his heat. Her breasts ached with sudden heaviness. Out here with no one around, she felt reborn. Something stirred and awakened in her, making her feel beautiful and desirable for this man.

‘What is it you want?’ he rasped in her ear. ‘Tell me now.’

‘You,’ she answered, giving in to impulse and raising her hands to his face. Her fingers brushed his throat. It no longer gave her pause, but seemed an integral part of him. She pressed her lips to his scar and felt the solid thrum of his heart. ‘Please.’

‘You shall have me.’ He placed a kiss in the corner of her mouth. ‘Since you ask so politely.’

He stepped away from her, took off his cloak and laid it on the spring grass before removing his tunic and shirt. His skin gleamed in the spring sunshine. She could see a network of white scars across his front and shoulders, a map of the hard life he’d led before coming into hers. He was a warrior in truth, barely tame despite his learning. She started as she saw the heavy gold cross.

She put out her finger and touched it. ‘Where did you get this?’

‘A gift from the emperor for saving his life.’

‘Are you...?’ Her voice trailed away.

‘I have always found it best not to ask how a man prays or to which god, but how strong his sword arm is. The way I speak to my God is my business, certainly not some ignorant priest’s who can’t be bothered to learn Latin.’

‘I should’ve guessed when you said you could read.’

‘My mother was Irish and she used to tell me stories. My father believed in the old gods as did his wife. It was an easy choice.’

‘Was it?’ She couldn’t see how it could be.

He laid his finger against her lips. ‘There are more important things to discuss.’

He took off his trousers and she forgot how to breathe. His arousal sprung forth, declaring his desire for her.

She took a step forwards and ran her hand down the warm pliable skin, feeling the hard muscle contract under her touch. Her fingertips traced the network of scars and indentations. She brushed the golden hair on his chest and his nipples contracted to hardened points. Each touch was more seductive than the last and she wanted to feel his skin against hers. Edith resisted the urge to smile. Her mother most definitely would not approve! But her body demanded the contact with him. Something which felt so right could hardly be wrong.
