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A warm tingle circled her insides, driving all thoughts of the things she ought be doing away. She had missed sleeping in his arms and waking up to his lovemaking. ‘Last night was fraught.’

‘There is no need to explain. Some day, you will have more jewels. Promise me that you won’t run away.’

Edith swallowed hard. ‘When I leave, I shall leave by the front gate and you can travel with me until I reach my destination...wherever that is. But I’ve no plans to go. I keep my word, Brand, and I don’t want to think beyond tomorrow. My future will take care of itself.’

‘I’m sorry.’ His lips touched her forehead. The gentle touch undid her.

‘It is not their value in money or what they can buy but what they represented.’ Edith attempted to explain why the gesture meant so much to her. ‘My mother used to tell me stories of how they came into her family. After I grew up, I never believed the stories, but when I was little, they were wondrous.’

‘I’m sorry about that loss, but I’m sorry we quarrelled about something which neither of us can change.’

She glanced up into his eyes and knew her thoughts about keeping her heart safe were an illusion. She had feelings for this man. She had been so wrong about him being a barbarian. He had finer feelings than any man she’d ever met. The trouble was that some day he would go out of her life and her heart would break. She knew instinctively that it would be easier if she didn’t say anything.

She touched the brooch. ‘My mother used to tell me to concentrate on changing the thing I could change. I found it hard to listen. I’m sorry we quarrelled as well.’

‘My mother used to tell me stories about growing up in Ireland. She claimed to have been a nobleman’s wife and daughter. How true it was, I will never know. But she used to say it whenever I was in trouble. I had reasons to be proud.’ His lips travelled down the side of her face. ‘You should know that I intend to look after you. I wouldn’t abandon any woman to the fate my mother suffered. I will see you safe. Always.’

Edith found she was too tired to fight. She wanted to have his arms about her and feel his skin slide under the palms of her hands. Her feelings for him were far too new and too deep. ‘I missed you.’

She lifted her mouth and met his. The kiss quickly became deep and long, lighting the dark reaches of her soul. His tongue moved against hers and she pressed her body against his, letting it do the talking. The kiss rapidly deepened and Edith knew she needed far more. She wrenched her lips from his.

‘Are you tired?’ she murmured when she could breathe again.

His eyes twinkled. ‘Sleeping on a stable floor is not the most comfortable way to pass the night. You will probably say that I deserved it for the asinine way I behaved.’

She gave a soft laugh. ‘I would never have mentioned it, but it is an appropriate place.’

‘It is far better to sleep in your arms.’

‘I think so as well.’ She licked her lips. ‘Shall we retire there and catch up on our sleep?’

‘I have a better idea.’ He drew her to him so that their groins touched, his hands cupping her bottom. The sensation caused her breath to come faster. ‘Shall I play your maid? Show you how to bathe properly? You will enjoy it once you get the hang of it.’

‘I’m sure I shall.’

‘You don’t need to move a muscle. Allow me to look after you.’ His hot breath caressed her ear, doing strange things to her insides.

She knew then that she needed to take the lead. For too long she’d played the passive partner allowing him to do things to her. Today he’d given her something precious back and she wanted to show him that she appreciated him. She wanted to be his equal in this at least.

‘Will we be alone here?’ she asked, pretending to consider.

‘Nobody would dare disturb us, but I’ll bolt the door if it makes you feel better.’ He went over to the door and slid the bolt home.

The simple sound gave her courage. What happened here would remain here. She didn’t have to worry about interruptions.

‘Good. I’m new to this, but I’m willing to learn.’ She tapped her finger against her mouth, pretending to consider. ‘I assume first you need to be naked in order to enjoy the benefits of bathing.’

‘That’s right.’

Her hands tugged at his tunic and raised it slowly inch by inch revealing his bare skin. She leant forwards and tasted.

‘Patience,’ he growled. ‘I’m the one who knows what to do.’
