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‘I find that difficult to believe.’

He took her hand and led her into the next room where his men had uncovered the pool and the mosaics. The water softly glinted.

Her eyes gleamed with pure joy. All the time and trouble it had taken was nothing compared to seeing Edith in rapture. All of his early fears were groundless. Edith was a woman who kept her word. A slight unease came over Brand. She had agreed to a year and that was all he was going to get. He forced his mind from the unwelcome thought. There were other ways besides marriage to bind Edith to him. Right now, he didn’t want to think about the future. He wanted to enjoy the present. ‘How? How did you do this? How could you create this so quickly? I’ve never seen anything like it.’

‘It was full of rubble and easy to clean. The men worked hard, but you and I have the honour of being the first to use it.’

Edith went immediately in. Her indrawn breath echoed around the chamber.

‘Do you like it?’ he asked.

‘It is magical. Something out of a dream.’

She walked into the pool and sank down. ‘After the heat of the first room, this feels heavenly. Are you going to come in?’

She held out her arms, her dark hair floated about her and he could see the paleness of skin in the depths of the water.

‘Are you a siren now, seeking to make me forget my duty?’

‘Sirens are dangerous creatures who lure men to their death,’ she said, laughing. ‘I’m not trying to lure you anywhere but into this pool. Come join me. You’ll feel better for it.’

‘Is that all you want?’

‘Yes, that’s all.’ She gave a little splash of water. ‘Surely you have time for that. After all, it was your suggestion that we bathe. All I’m doing is following orders.’

He smiled and decided that it was well she did not know her power. If she asked him to marry her looking like that, if she had asked for anything, he’d have given it to her.

‘There are times when I’m happy to obey.’

Chapter Twelve

‘Is there something I can do for you, Father Wilfrid?’ Edith asked the priest later in the afternoon. The spring sun had dried her hair. Being thoroughly clean caused her worries to ease. There would be a solution to everything. She even felt strong enough to deal with the priest.

The priest’s thin lips frowned. ‘There is nothing a woman like you can do for me except repent. I am looking for the heathen who calls himself lord of this place.’

‘How do you know he is a heathen?’ she asked, provoked.

‘All Norsemen are and he deliberately provokes me.’

‘Brand Bjornson served in Constantinople for the very Christian Emperor of Byzantium. Have you ever asked him how he prays? Or why he wears a Byzantine cross about his neck?’

‘Why has he not appeared in my church, then?’

‘Has he once stopped you from preaching?’

‘You should not use that tone with me.’

‘Or what?’ Edith crossed her arms. Always before she’d respected his right to speak but now she could see that he enjoyed making matters worse. ‘What will you do to me? There is a new master here. I would suggest you find a way to get on with him, rather than stirring up trouble.’

The priest stared at her, mouth open. ‘I had best see to some of my parishioners. You have changed, Lady Edith. I used to think you considered the souls of these people more important, but now I see you only consider your pride. I will pray for you.’

He slunk off.

Edith sank down onto the bench and buried her face in her hands. She found she didn’t know the woman she was rapidly becoming. She wanted to take a breath and return to the old certainties.

She had made love to Brand in broad daylight in the bath house and then bathed with him, after which they had made love again. When they had emerged from the building several of Brand’s men were standing around with huge smiles on their faces. Brand had ostentatiously kissed her before departing.

She fingered the circlet. She hated to think what her mother might say. Her mother never put her hand on her father, much less kissed him in public. She wanted to think she was doing it for the hall and the people, but she knew she was also doing it for herself and the way he made her feel. She liked feeling like a desirable woman who was cherished, rather than someone who didn’t fit anywhere and who was more comfortable with ledgers and quantities of wool.
