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The boy gulped air and she could see him mentally counting to ten.

‘Godwin,’ Brand’s voice boomed out. ‘It is good to see you. I trust your sister’s health has improved.’

Edith froze. ‘Brand, I wasn’t expecting to see you. I thought you were out hunting.’

‘The game proved elusive and there are a thousand things which I need to do here. You didn’t think I’d leave the packing all to you, did you?’

‘I’d hopes.’

Brand put his hands on Godwin’s shoulders. ‘Has your mother decided to allow you to foster here?’

Godwin flushed. ‘My...mother has been very busy lately. We have...have sickness in our house. We haven’t discussed it, but I would like to be a warrior.’

‘Lady Edith told me.’ Brand looked over Godwin’s head. ‘I would like to visit his mother, Edith.’

‘Right now?’ Edith put her hand to her throat and kept her gaze from Hilda’s. The faint gasp told her all she needed to know.

‘Yes. No one else has fallen ill in the village. We may safely assume the illness is not contagious.’

‘I feel certain that Mary will come to you when she can.’

‘We will be in Jorvik. I wish to have this matter settled. Godwin should come and take up his duties.’

Godwin’s face lit up, then quickly fell. ‘My mother will never allow it.’

‘You think she will refuse her lord?’ Brand thundered. ‘What sort of woman is she?’

‘We will go together and see your mother, Godwin,’ Edith said quickly. ‘Do you wish to run on ahead and tell her that we are coming?’

‘There is no need for that. I’ve no wish for her to stand on ceremony. I always enjoy my talks with Godwin.’

‘Yes, I do as well.’

The pit of Edith’s stomach sank. There was nothing she could do to prevent this disaster. She gave one last look at the cart piled high with its trunks and silently bid the dream of Jorvik goodbye. All she could do was pray for a miracle and they had been thin on the ground recently. ‘Shall we go? It is best that I come with you.’

* * *

The cottage stood on its own, a little way from the other houses in the village. The garden was well turned over and the young plants had started to push through. Brand’s scar itched and he instinctively checked for his sword.

What wasn’t Edith telling him? Her mouth had become more and more pinched the closer they came to the cottage. And her cousin had gone positively white at the thought of them going together to the cottage. Or perhaps it had another cause. Maybe they had quarrelled because Edith was going to Jorvik.

‘Is everything all right, Edith?’ he asked. ‘What do you want to tell me? Your face always has that expression when you fear you are going to lose at tafl.’

Edith stopped. ‘Godwin, run on ahead and tell your mother that Brand Bjornson is also coming.’

‘There is no need. Why don’t we surprise her?’

‘I doubt she likes surprises. It is a major honour for the lord to visit.’

‘It is how I want it done.’ Brand put a hand on Godwin’s shoulder, restraining him. ‘I want to find out the true reason why Godwin’s mother has avoided sending him to me. The boy should become a warrior. You want to be a warrior, don’t you, Godwin?’

The boy glanced at Edith, who gave an almost imperceptible nod. ‘Yes. I want to carry a big axe and fight bad men. My mother worries about me getting hurt.’

‘Good lad.’ Brand turned towards Edith. ‘You see, you are worrying for naught. The boy and I will convince his mother.’

‘If that is what you want...’

‘You don’t approve?’ He lifted his brow. ‘Pray, what is wrong with my plan?’

She gazed away from him and a gentle breeze moulded her skirts to her legs. ‘I would like Godwin to become a warrior,’ she said finally. ‘He will make a good one.’

‘Trust me to make him into one.’ He leant over and allowed his breath to caress her ear. ‘I am a good teacher.’

He was rewarded by her cheeks turning a deep crimson. It amused him that she still blushed. Later he intended on showing her exactly what a good instructor he was when he had an apt pupil, but first he was going to ensure that Godwin had a good future.

‘My lady, my lady.’ Godwin’s mother rushed out of the cottage and then stopped. The colour drained from her face and she dropped into a deep curtsy. ‘Your lordship, you are here as well. A most...unexpected pleasure.’
