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‘You’re becoming exactly like your father, Sebastian, and you always swore you never would,’ Henri said with resignation.

‘Temporary, Henri. My luck is about to change. I can feel it in my bones.’

She hugged her arms about her waist. She did not know what was worse—Sebastian’s debts or the fact that he had hidden them from her. Or that Robert had kept it from her as well. As if she had ever asked for his protection!

‘Gamblers always say that, Sebastian, just before they lose it all.’

‘A slight setback. I plan on paying Mama back. My creditors are being less than generous. I will recover with the right woman by my side. It is only because I am missing her that I spend time at the tables.’

‘And wouldn’t this right woman have expectations at being kept in a style that she was accustomed to? Without fear of the bailiffs?’

‘No wife of mine would ever want for anything!’ Sebastian made a mutinous face. ‘Montemorcy had no right to go prying into my affairs!’

‘He has every right. Sophie is his ward. He needs to look after her interests.’ She closed her eyes.

‘You’re being ridiculous, Henrietta!’ Sebastian looked aghast that she might think differently. ‘You’re being far too judgemental. You’ve forgotten what it is like to be passionately in love. You’re far too practical.’

‘Your faith in my character does wonders for my self-regard.’ Henri shifted uncomfortably. What would Sebastian do if he knew about the kiss she had shared with Robert Montemorcy? Would he use it as a bargaining chip to get what he wanted? She refused to let him. ‘But you need to consider Sophie. She wrote to you. She doesn’t want to be estranged from her family.’

Sebastian half-closed his eyes and an overly pleased smile crossed his lips. ‘How does Sophie feel about me, Henrietta? The truth, now. Did you tell her of my suit and how I long to be with her? We spoke—briefly. That Armstrong person hovered at her elbow, like a determined dragon. It was all I could do to get her to dance with me.’

‘Sophie danced with you?’ Henri leant forwards, looking for any slight clue in Sebastian’s demeanour of what had actually occurred.

‘We danced one of the Harlequins. There was time for a few whispered words without the Armstrong dragon descending.’ Sebastian drummed a steady beat against the rosewood table. ‘Why does everyone assume the worst of me, Henri? My intentions are honourable.’

‘And…?’ Henri waited for Sebastian’s verbal acknowledgement of Sophie’s indifference.

‘Her guardian doesn’t favour my suit and his mind remains unchanged as my prospects remain the same.’ Sebastian made a face, but he ceased drumming. ‘She has no wish to cause distress to her family. Would I be willing to wait until she reached her majority and then we’d see.’

‘Then, it is an end to it. She has more familial feeling than she has feeling for you.’ Henri wished she could shake them both—Sophie for hiding behind Robert and Sebastian for ruining his prospects. ‘There are plenty of other women.’

‘Poor sweet Henrietta.’ Sebastian shook his head in a pitying way. ‘You have no talent for deception whereas Sophie is a mistress of it. It is her guardian that is the problem. Blast his eyes. Sophie as good as told me that. Without him…she would already be mine.’

Henri stared at her cousin open-mouthed. ‘Sophie is an intelligent young woman who is used to making up her own mind. From what I know of Robert Montemorcy, he wouldn’t stand in the way if his ward truly desired the match. Take the rejection on the chin, Sebastian. Move on and find a woman who adores you.’

‘Are you saying that it’s not Sophie? When has a woman ever refused me?’ His eyes widened with incredulity. ‘You’re sadly mistaken, cousin. Sophie adores me. No woman who adores me has ever said no to me.’

‘Sometimes no means no, rather than an attempt to be coy.’ All of Henri’s muscles coiled ready for a fight. He had to understand before he ruined them all. ‘The trouble with you, Sebastian, is that up until now, women have fallen into your lap like ripe plums. You’ve never had to work hard. If you truly wish to have Sophie, then, in light of your debts, you had best do something to deserve her.’

A stunned silence filled the room. A wave of triumph surged through Henri. She put her hand on the doorknob. ‘Now that your non-future with Sophie is settled, I do have a busy life beyond your whims and fancies.’

‘Miss Armstrong told everyone who cared to listen about her supper party with Robert Montemorcy,’ Sebastian said as she was about to leave the room. ‘I understand it was quite intimate. Are wedding bells in the air?’
