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Sorrow grinned to see a couple of Jessup brothers. “Eddie, Mark, hi!” Under her breath, she sang, “Blushh-innng. ”

“We found the doctor,” Eddie said, shoving his brother into the room. “But I don’t know if you can trust him. I hear he sucks. ”

Mark shouldered him back, and the sight of a white-coated doctor roughhousing was comical. “You’re just jealous I got all the brains. ”

Eddie flinched his shoulder away. “Whatever, dude. Mom likes me better. ” He got a wicked look in his eye and walked right up to Laura’s bedside, putting a finger under her chin. “Plus I have the biggest truck. Isn’t that right, sugar?” He winked.

Sorrow snickered to see the pink in Laura’s cheeks flame positively crimson.

“Jessups,” Laura said in a strangled voice. “They’re all over the place. ”

“Can’t get away from us. ” Eddie sat on the edge of her bed, and she inched away.

Mark snagged the chart that hung from the

foot of her bed and flipped through. “Haven’t seen you in a while, Laura. ”

“Not since you graduated high school,” she said. “I was in eighth grade then. So, yeah. Long time. ”

“Wish the circumstances were better than a fractured clavicle. ”

Sorrow read over his shoulder. “You and me both, Dr. Mark. ”

“We need to figure out who did this,” Eddie said in a steely voice, his shift in tone marked.

Sorrow nodded somberly. “Billy is investigating. ”

Mark raised a brow. “Billy, is it?”

It was Sorrow’s turn to blush. “The sheriff and I have become friendly. ” She continued in her best business-as-usual voice, “He believes too much has happened around the lodge. And now, with the accident…it’s just too suspicious. ”

Eddie pinned Laura with a look. “Good thing Miss Fancy-pants here will be running off soon. Staying safe. Right on schedule. ”

Her sister resembled something like a deer in headlights, so Sorrow spoke for her. “Laura’s sticking around this time. ”

“Oh, is she now?” Eddie’s eyes glinted. “Sounds like something I need to investigate. ”


Billy needed to question Damien, and if he couldn’t get the guy into an interrogation room, he’d do one better. A bar. The Thirsty Bear Tavern, to be exact. He’d considered meeting at a neutral spot like Chances across town, but when taking a man’s measure, it was best to poke, prod, and provoke, targeting his most sensitive spots, getting under his skin. Which meant meeting at the tavern—ground zero for Damien’s relationship with the Bailey family.

“Thanks for meeting me,” he said when Damien came in. He forced an easy smile. The town of Sierra Falls seemed to love the guy, but from the start, he’d struck Billy as arrogant, slick, and too young to know better.

“Yeah. You bet. ” Damien pulled off his fleece jacket, his movements stiff. “Though why do I get the sense that this isn’t a friendly visit?”

Because we’re not friends? But instead of speaking his mind, Billy just laughed a carefree, rolling laugh. “Shall we get some drinks?”

Damien’s posture loosened a bit, and with a nod, he headed toward an open stool at the bar.

But Billy headed him off, anxious for a little privacy. “How about a booth instead? That way we can kick back. ”

Damien’s gaze skittered to the booth and back. “Whatever you say, Sheriff. How about I snag us a couple of beers first?” He laughed nervously. “I hope by drinks you didn’t mean diet sodas. ”

The Simmons boy had always struck Billy as an entitled jackass, and nothing got a jackass’s jaw flapping like a sit-down with his pal, Johnny Walker. He gave Damien a broad smile. “Why mess around? I’m off duty. How about a couple of shots with a beer back? My treat. ” He caught the bartender’s eye. “My tab, Helen. ”

By the time Damien returned with the drinks, his features had hardened, his nerves under wraps. Apparently the guy knew the best defense was a good offense. He settled into the booth, leaning forward and sliding Billy’s shot and beer across the table. “Cut the shit, Sheriff. Why am I here? Don’t tell me it’s because you need a new drinking buddy. ”

Billy raised his glass. “Points for the brass balls, Simmons. ” He tossed back his shot. “You’re right. I’m not looking for a friend. ”
