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Damien caught and held his gaze. “Newsflash, Sheriff: logging isn’t exactly the most PC thing these days. I drive into the city and mention I’m in timber? Girls can’t run away fast enough. ” He threw back his drink, and damn, the kid could hold his liquor—Billy would need to watch himself. But although the guy might not be slurring, the words were flowing more freely. He rambled on, “These days, all women wanna talk about is composting. Vegetarian food. Stuff like that. You’d think I was clubbing baby seals out there. Like cutting down trees is the devil’s work. ”

Billy saw the kid in a new light. He was vulnerable, maybe even lonely. Sorrow probably had hurt him more than she’d realized. It was easy enough to imagine. If Sorrow were to leave him, he’d be shattered.

He’d need to tread carefully. “Seems to me, Damien, the ladies would love things like, well, let’s be honest, like that car you drive. ”

“Yeah,” Simmons said flatly. He caught Helen’s eye and silently raised his empty bottle, requesting another beer. “Girls go for the money. ”

The kid sounded more jaded than the young, rich scion of a successful business should. He clearly didn’t want the kind of girls who chased money. So then what was Damien’s story? Seemed like there might be more to him than Billy had suspected. But why should that discovery surprise him? He had to give Sorrow a little credit—she wouldn’t go out with a total numbskull.

When Billy spoke again, it was more as a fellow guy than as sheriff. “Have you tried to talk to your dad? I don’t know much about running a big company, but it seems to me that change happens from within. Hell, I

think sometimes environmental initiatives can be lucrative. Good press and all. ”

“I tried, man. I went to the Simmons board once, all I did was say the word sustainability, and they laughed me out of the boardroom. Like I was some kind of idiot. I know people need paper. Paper’s not going anywhere…yet. I know that. I get it—I’m not stupid. But Dad, all he wants is to build, build, build. ” Damien laughed evilly, kicking back and peering out the window. “I think it drives him fucking nuts that Bear’s sitting on so much prime land. I love it. ”

Billy froze. The Baileys were struggling—all this time, he’d just assumed that the only things they had were the tavern and the roof over their heads. “Are you saying that Bear owns land? And that it borders Simmons Timber?”

Damien laughed again, but this time he just sounded weary. “Yessir, Sheriff. Old Dabney Simmons calls it green gold. ”


The lunch crowd was thinning, and Sorrow heard the tavern door whoosh open and shut as she stood at the bar, refilling the salt shakers. She glanced over her shoulder and held her breath. It was Damien, and he was making a beeline straight for her.

He came up beside her to lean against the bar. “I have a proposition for you. ”

“Hello to you, too. ” Her heart went to her throat. Billy and her ex had met for a couple of drinks the other night, and although Billy didn’t come out of it as the biggest Damien fan, he no longer thought the guy capable of doing harm to her sister. According to his report, things were “all cool” among them. So then why this visit?

“Don’t give me that look. ”

“I’m not doing a look,” she said.

“Sure you are. You’re doing your deer in the headlights thing. ” He laughed, surely seeing how flustered she was. “Relax, Bailey. I know you’re off the market. I had a little powwow with your new boyfriend. Didn’t he tell you?”

She nodded warily. “He told me. ”

“So then you know it’s all good. ” He chucked her chin. “Your sheriff’s not that bad even. For a relic. ” He gave her a pointed look that drew a smile from her. “Yeah, that’s the Bailey I know. Here,” he said, handing her a box. “I even brought you a peace offering. ”

She took it—it was one of those decorative tins—and she hefted it suspiciously in her hands. “What’s in it?”

“Cookies. Fancy cookies. You should look for yourself. And before you thank me, don’t. My parents got them for you. ”

She pried open the box. It was filled with chocolate-dipped madeleines.

He said, “Because of Laura’s accident. ”

“Oh, wow…” She was speechless, touched by the gesture. To her it meant so much more than just them wishing her family well during this tough time. It meant that all was forgiven. She’d broken up with their only son, but they hadn’t taken it personally themselves.

“I think they’re from France,” he said. “Your fancy-pants sister should like that. ”

She laughed. “They don’t know Laura very well if they sent her cookies. ” But then she gave an automatic tug to the leg of her jeans—all the cooking she was doing for Billy was beginning to take its toll. “Or is it so obvious how much I like cookies?”

“No, goof. It’s so obvious you deserve a treat. ” Seeing her suspiciously narrowed eyes, he quickly added, “I’m saying that as a friend. You’re pretty as ever, but I told you, Billy and I had a meeting of the minds. We’re all good. ”

“What’s with you men? Everything is ‘It’s all good. It’s cool. ’”

He gave her a broad smile. “That’s because it is, Bailey. ”

She closed the tin. “So this is your peace offering? Some cookies that your mom picked out?”
