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"That, I was not expecting," Ariana said with a pleased laugh.

All the floor--to--ceiling mirrors had been swathed with dark velvet curtains. Ten tall plank fountains stood along the walls, serenely gurgling water into their rock--filled basins. There were five massage tables set up in the center of the room and a few manicure and pedicure stations positioned in the corners. Hovering around the studio were a dozen women dressed just like Satia, smiling placidly, ready to serve. Maria was talking urgently with one of the women near the back wall, while Soomie and Brigit stepped out from behind a Chinese room divider, cinching themselves into comfy--looking moss green robes.

"There you are! What do you think?" Brigit asked, stepping up to Ariana. "Do you think Lexa will like it?"

Just then, the door opened and Lexa walked in, tucking her cell


phone into her Birkin bag. Her jaw dropped as she looked around, her eyes wide.

"I think Lexa will love it," Lexa said, pulling Brigit in for a hug. "Look at this!" she said, releasing her friend as she took it all in. "This is amazing, Brigit. But what's the occasion?"

"You," Maria said, gliding over to join them. "This is step one in the plan to get your well--toned ass over Palmer Liriano."

"It was all Brigit's idea," Soomie said, giving credit where credit was due. She laid her hand on Brigit's back and Ariana realized it was the first time she'd seen the girl without her BlackBerry surgically attached to her palm.

"Just step one?" Lexa asked, idly picking up a bottle of red nail polish from a nearby counter. "What's step two? A trip to Paris?"

"Not quite," Ariana said, glancing conspiratorially at Maria. "But I think you'll like it."

Ariana had filled Maria in on the Conrad plan between classes and Maria had pounced on the idea. She had said that Connie was one of her favorite people at APH and that she couldn't believe she hadn't thought of him as a match for Lexa before. All of which had left Ariana feeling insightful, triumphant, and hopeful. If Connie turned out to be Lexa's perfect match, then she and Palmer would be free to be together in no time.

"Miss Greene?" the only male masseuse in the room--a tall, gorgeous blond with tan skin and a soap star's smile--gave Lexa a slight bow. "My name is Dirk. If you'd like to get changed, we can get started."


Lexa grinned at Brigit and replaced the nail polish on the counter. "Remind me to buy you something pretty." She took a deep breath and smiled at Dirk. "I'm holding a lot of tension in my lower back," she said. "I hope you're ready for a workout."

"Your wish is my command," he said, lifting an arm to guide her toward the room divider and the robes hanging behind. "Shall we?"

"Oh, we shall."

Ariana and her friends dissolved into a giggling fit as Lexa and Dirk walked off together.

"I think this just might work," Ariana said.

"Pardon me while I pat myself on the back," Brigit replied, reaching around to do just that.

"Go ahead and get changed," Soomie said to Ariana. "I bet you could use the relaxation," she added meaningfully.

"Oh, you mean because of what I told you guys this morning?" Ariana said. "I've already taken steps to deal with that situation."

"Good girl," Maria said with a wink.

A warm feeling filled Ariana's heart. Soomie and Maria definitely wanted to see her get into Stone and Grave. They really cared about her. With a swelling surge of pride, Ariana realized what an incredible life she was building for herself here. Real friends, a potential boyfriend, a solid future. Suddenly she felt like patting herself on the back.

"So, Miss Covington," Satia said, accompanying Ariana across the room. "Do you have any particular areas you'd like me to work on? Any muscles holding tension?"


Ariana took a deep breath. "My shoulders and neck, definitely."

Satia tilted her head and looked at Ariana in sympathy. "I find that's the case with a lot of students. All that time spent at the computer."

Ariana smiled. "Yes. That's exactly it."

That and every time I see the murderous psycho who's trying to ruin my life I feel my shoulder muscles twist into pretzels. But you don't need to know about that.
