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"I guess you didn't know that, since you've already done it," Tahira said, clearly enjoying every ounce of misery she was spreading on so thick. "Still, would be justified turning you in, A, if I really wanted to."

There was no air. Gray spots started to form before Ariana's eyes, obscuring her view of Tahira. Suddenly, Ariana was grateful for the cool breeze skittering over her hot--as--tar skin.

"See, my task is to humiliate a donor," Tahira continued. "And I just happen to know that you and your grandma donated a ton of cash to get your ass into this place, so you qualify. If I have to, I'm going to see that it's you who gets humiliated. And probably arrested. So like I said, back off."

Ariana tried to think of something to say. Something that would save even the tiniest bit of dignity, but her mind was a complete, panicked, blank.

"Good," Tahira said with a smirk. "I'm glad we had this little chat."

Then she turned and flounced away, her tennis skirt swishing with every step. Ariana slowly backed onto a stone bench that was positioned off to the side of the walkway and sat down, her mind


racing. Who had told Tahira? Who else knew what she had done other than--

Kaitlynn. Of course. She must have told Tahira just to amuse her. Just to win her over. And now Tahira was going to use the information to hold Ariana under her manicured thumb.

But not for long.

Just like that, everything snapped back into focus. Tahira hadn't completed her task yet. Her spot was still open.



Ariana walked into the dining hall on Wednesday morning, her shoulders back, her jaw set in grim determination. Huge, white--framed sunglasses covered her eyes and she wore a hot pink feather boa around her neck, over her uniform. In one hand she gripped the leather handle of a small but powerful speaker. In the other were her iPod and a microphone.Now that she had decided to do away with Tahira, it was time to ensure her own spot in Stone and Grave--time to get this spectacle thing over with. Time to show Lexa and Palmer and Soomie and Maria and whoever the hell else was in Stone and Grave just how serious she was about getting in.

She caught a few curious looks and snickers of interest as she wove her way to her usual table, smack--dab in the center of the action. Soomie and Maria were already seated, Soomie reading a book, Maria texting on her phone, but everyone else was loitering around, getting


the morning gossip. As soon as Ariana dropped the speaker on the table with a clang and climbed atop the wooden surface next to it, however, conversation quieted considerably.

Ariana looked down at the two girls, wondering if they had known she was going to sabotage Allison and if they had been sabotaging her by encouraging it. Or had they simply assumed Ariana was too smart to get caught? She wasn't sure, but either way, now was not the time to try to figure it out. She had a task to complete.

"Um, Ana?" Soomie said, placing her book aside and sitting forward. "What the hell are you doing?"

"This," Ariana replied.

She bent down, attached the iPod and mic to the speaker, and flipped on the power. Her heart was pounding harder than it had in a long time. Definitely since the night she'd made her harrowing escape from the Brenda T. But at least then she'd had a plan. At least then she'd known what she was doing. Right now, she was flying by the seat of her lacy La Perlas.

"Good morning, Atherton--Pryce Hall!" Ariana shouted into the microphone.

An earsplitting peal of feedback sent everyone in a ten--table radius wincing, but it had the desired effect. Every student and teacher in the dining hall, every waiter and custodian, stopped and stared. Lexa, who was standing near the far wall with April, Brigit, and Conrad, took a few steps forward, her jaw dropped in confusion. Oddly, no one made a move to stop her.

"My name is Ana Covington and this is my favorite song," Ariana


continued, holding the microphone a bit farther away from her mouth to avoid the feedback issue. Her palm was so slick with sweat she was certain the mic was going to fall from her hand at any second and bounce onto the floor. She hit the play button on the iPod and the opening, electronic notes of Metro Stations "Shake It" blasted through the speaker.

At her feet, Maria and Soomie exchanged a dumbfounded glance. Ariana took a deep breath . . . and started to dance.

That was when the laughter rose up in earnest.

You can do this, Ariana. You can, you can, you can.

Soomie covered her mouth with both hands. Maria laughed and shook her head, looking down at her lap. All across the cafeteria, people were either pointing and laughing or shooting her looks of obvious pity. Ariana tuned it all out and concentrated on the end that would definitely justify these means.
