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senators' sons and I said I smelled dog poo and I made diem all take off their shoes to check, which of course they did because I'm the princess and when you're within these walls you pretty much have to do whatever I say," Brigit rambled, leading Ariana toward a velvet bench near the wall and dropping down. "That was pretty much all I had to do," she said, lifting her palms and laughing.

"Make him take off his shoes? How is that embarrassing?" Ariana asked, setting her empty champagne glass down on the table next to her. It was immediately whisked away by a white--gloved waiter.

"Because the crown prince of Jordan wears lifts," Brigit whispered conspiratorially. "When he took off his shoes he was at least three inches shorter, and now all the guys know! You should have seen the look on his face. I thought Will was going to die laughing."

"Wow. You are evil," Ariana said jokingly.

"I know, right?" Brigit said, holding her hand over her mouth. "Maybe I should have asked him to teach me how to walk in these heels." She tugged her skirt up slightly to show off her sparkly shoes. "Can I take them off yet?" she whimpered. "I swear I almost took down one of the tapestries back there just trying to bow to that guy from the Japanese embassy."

"No. You are not removing the shoes," Ariana said, placing a calming hand on Brigit's arm. "You're doing fine. It's only a few hours."

Brigit rolled her eyes just as Kaitlynn appeared with Lexa, Conrad, Adam, and Soomie in tow.

"Brigit, this party is amazing," Kaitlynn said, her face flushed with pleasure.


"Eh. It's okay," Brigit said with a shrug.

"And this building is beautiful," Kaitlynn added, looking around at the high ceilings. "Would you mind giving us a tour? I mean, of whatever parts we're allowed to see?" she added with an endearingly self--deprecating laugh.

"Sure," Brigit said, reaching her arms out to Kaitlynn for help. Kaitlynn hoisted Brigit up onto her heels as gracefully as possible. "You coming, Ana?"

"I'm in," Ariana replied. Even though she had assured Kaitlynn countless times that she was taking care of the Stone and Grave situation, she still didn't relish the thought of leaving Kaitlynn alone with any of her friends. "Let's do it."

Brigit took the lead with Adam and Lexa; Conrad and Kaitlynn fell in behind them. Along the way they picked up Soomie, Christian, and a few other APH students who wanted to get in on the exclusive tour. Palmer hung back and waited for Ariana to join him.

"Hey," Ariana said, her heart fluttering at his close proximity. "Having fun?"

"Yeah. I'd be having more fun if I had a date," he replied lightly.

"Palmer, I thought you understood," Ariana replied. "I need to fly under the radar for now."

"What's the big deal?" Palmer asked. "People break up and start dating other people all the time."

"Yeah, but not best friends," Ariana replied as Brigit led them across the lobby and through a pair of double doors on the other side.


"How can you guys be best friends? Until two weeks ago you hadn't even spoken in years," Palmer whispered.

Ariana's heart turned. How could Palmer question her and Lexa's connection? Did Lexa not want to be her best friend? Had she said something to Palmer about her before they broke up that implied that she didn't really like Ariana?

"Don't be mean," Ariana replied firmly.

Palmer blew out a sigh. "I'm sorry. I just ... I want to be able to be with you, that's all." He glanced ahead at the rest of the tour group, slowing his steps to put some distance between them. "I want to be able to do this." He lifted her hand and kissed her wrist lightly, looking right into her eyes. Her entire body actually shivered, which made Palmer smile.

"You can do that all you want," she whispered. "Later."

"Promise?" Palmer asked with a sexy smile.

Ariana grinned. "Promise."

They would just have to find someplace private for him to do it.


sp; Brigit was explaining the origin of some Renaissance--style painting as Ariana and Palmer caught up. Then she turned toward the back of the mansion and threw open another pair of doors, so tall they practically reached the ceiling.
