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“Last year Soomie and Brigit went as Raggedy Ann and Andy,” Maria explained to Ariana. Soomie scoffed, like she didn’t want to hear it. “What?” Maria pressed on. “It was hilarious with the big red noses and the red yarn wigs and the red-and-white striped tights.”

“I only did that because it was Brigit’s favorite toy as a kid,” Soomie explained flatly. “This year was supposed to be my turn to pick a costume. We were going to be Batgirl and Robin. The costumes just came in the mail yesterday.”

Ariana’s stomach dropped. So that explained Soomie’s new wave of melancholy.

“Well, at least you can still be Batgirl,” Ariana suggested tentatively.

“You can’t be serious,” Soomie snapped. “You really think I’m going to wear that now?”

Ariana’s throat prickled. “Sorry, I just—”

“Whatever,” Soomie said, closing her eyes for a moment. She took a deep breath and looked Ariana in the eye. “I’m sorry. I just . . . I guess I’m not feeling very comic booky these days.”

Ariana swallowed hard as the line inched forward. Maria looked down at her boots for a moment before flicking her long brown hair back and trying again.

“So . . . what’re you going to be?” she asked Soomie.

“I don’t know. I’m thinking something gothic,” Soomie said.

“But Batgirl is gothic,” Lexa said.

“No. I’m talking seriously gothic,” Soomie said, ducking her chin. “Right now I’ve got it narrowed down to (A) Hester Prynne, (B) Jane Eyre, or (C) Joan of Arc.”

Lexa looked at Ariana and whistled. “Yeah, I’d say that’s gothic.”

“Where is this party, anyway?” Ariana asked. “Did you rent out a club or something?”

“No. It’s at my house,” Soomie replied, sending a quick text on her BlackBerry.

“I thought your parents lived in California,” Ariana said, her brow knitting. “Do they have a house in DC?”

“No. It’s her house,” Maria said with a grin.

Ariana blinked. “You have your own house?”

Soomie shrugged and slipped her PDA back into her bag. She looked up and narrowed her eyes at the chalkboard menu behind the coffee counter. “My parents know that I sometimes need my privacy, especially when I get stressed and need to concentrate. They want me to do my best here, so they bought it for me when I first started at AP

H. It’s nothing big. Just a row house near the Capitol.”

Ariana shook her head. Nothing big. She would have killed to have her own piece of real estate to retreat to. “That’s incredible. I can’t wait to see it,” she said as they finally reached the counter.

“Can I help you ladies?” the guy behind the register asked with a smile.

Maria ordered her usual double espresso, then stepped aside so the rest of the girls could place their orders.

“I’ll have a caramel latte and a pecan scone, please. Black coffee and a blueberry muffin for Soomie, and a regular latte and cinnamon scone for Ana,” Lexa said, taking out her wallet.

“Oh, Lex, that’s okay,” Ariana said. “I got it.”

“Please. You’ll get the next one.” She flipped her hair over her shoulder and eyed Ariana. “Maybe you should stick with the children’s book theme. Go as Winnie the Pooh or Thomas the Train or something?”

“Okay, Lex. She’s not a toddler,” Soomie said.

Ariana smirked and scanned the room. Over at a table near the wall were three guys with seriously bad haircuts, which just made her smirk wider.

“Oh! What about Hannah Montana?” Maria said. “Or a Barbie doll?”

“Um, no,” Ariana replied. “Why are you guys trying to saddle me with some juvenile costume?”
