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Robes swished and throats were cleared as the membership settled in on the cold stone floor. Ariana crossed her legs and sat up straight.

“I wonder what this is all about,” Tahira whispered. “Are we setting up a service for Lexa or something?”

Ariana shrugged as April began to speak.

“I’m going to dispense with ceremony for the evening,” she said clearly, her Irish brogue coming through. “We’ve all been through a lot in the last twenty-four hours, and we have some business to attend to, but first I wanted to give you all an update on our president.”

Ariana shifted her legs as everyone around the circle adjusted and squirmed, exchanging nervous, scared glances.

“I spoke to Lexa’s mother this afternoon and there

was, unfortunately, no change,” April said, blinking rapidly as if trying to hold back tears. Still, her voice came through crystal clear. “Lexa has been through three surgeries to stop some internal bleeding, and her body has suffered a lot of trauma. She’s currently unconscious, but breathing on her own. They’re not sure when … or even if … she’s going to wake up.”

“She’s going to wake up,” Soomie snapped, leaning forward. “Don’t say that.”

The membership froze. Rarely, if ever, had Soomie raised her voice—and definitely never at a Stone and Grave meeting. Ariana swallowed a hard, cold lump in her throat.

“I apologize, Sister Emma Woodhouse. I was merely repeating the facts as they were told to me,” April said calmly.

“Well, it’s crap.” Soomie crossed her arms over her stomach and looked at the floor. “She’s going to wake up. She’s going to be fine.”

April took a deep breath. “Is there anything else anyone would like to say? About Lexa or the situation or … anything?”

No one said a word.

“All right then,” April continued, casting a wary glance at Soomie. “As the highest-ranking member of the order now present, it’s my duty to enact the bylaws of our ancient brotherhood. Those bylaws state that if our president is incapacitated and unable to fulfill his or her duties, we are required to elect an interim president.”

Soomie scoffed, rolled her eyes, but said nothing. Landon raised his hand.

“Yes, Brother Pip,” April acknowledged with a nod.

“Wouldn’t Palmer … I mean, Brother Starbuck just become president? Since he’s the V.P.?”

“That would make life easier, but unfortunately, that’s not the way it works,” April replied.

“As far as I’m concerned, Brother Starbuck has no business acting as president anyway,” Tahira grumbled.

A few people exchanged confused glances, but Ariana noted that those who had been present in the ER the night before turned to look at Ariana, their expressions grim.

“Seriously,” Maria said, reaching back to quickly tie her long brown hair into a floppy bun. “The guy’s a gargantuan asshole.”

Ariana hid a smile behind her hand.

“Hey!” Landon protested.

Maria shot him a death glare from the other side of the circle. “An asshole who can’t handle a crisis,” she added. “Is that really the type of person we want running our chapter?”

“Look, the guy was freaking out, okay?” Landon said. “You can’t hold it against him.”

“Whatever,” Soomie put in, rolling her eyes. “It doesn’t matter anyway. Lexa’s going to get better and she’ll be back before we know it. Whoever gets elected will probably only be in office a couple of weeks.”

Her assertion was met with complete quiet. Ariana glanced at Tahira and knew they were thinking the same thing—that everyone in the room was thinking the same thing—Soomie was in denial. Of course, no one had actually seen Lexa. No one knew firsthand how severe her injuries were. But anyone with a grasp on reality had to know that even if Lexa did get better, she wouldn’t be back at school for a while, if at all.

“Maybe we should just take nominations,” April said, looking around the circle. “Anyone?”

At that moment, Ariana’s cell phone let out a loud ring. Tahira flinched and Ariana glanced around apologetically as she tried to fish the phone out of her back pocket.

“I’m sorry. I know we’re supposed to turn them off. But I thought that, under the circumstances …”
