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Kiran scoffed. "I have not been avoiding you. I've been busy packing. Get over yourself."

"Where's Taylor, Kiran?" I asked.

"She went home," Kiran said flatly.

"Yeah, in one of your cars," I said.

Kiran paused. The driver was halfway out the front door, but he turned to look at her. "Problem, Miss Hayes?"

Kiran shook her head. "No, no. I'm fine. I'll be right behind you."

He shot me a suspicious look that made me think he was more of a bodyguard than a driver, then shoved his way through the door. Kiran pushed her sunglasses to the top of her head and looked at me in an almost pitying way.

"Why did no one even mention that she slunk off in the middle


of the night?" I demanded. "Why did she take one of your cars?"

Kiran glanced at our audience, then pulled me into the alcove behind the front door and practically shoved me against the wall. "Will you shut up?" she said through her teeth. She glanced back into the house, then very deliberately straightened her back, rolled her shoulders, and looked down her nose at me. "How did you find out about that?"

"One of my friends saw her leave," I said, my pulse racing. "Kiran, what is going on?"

Kiran scratched just above her eyebrow and breathed in. She lifted her head, and when she looked at me again, she was all smiles.

"What's going on is you're paranoid," Kiran said. "No one mentioned Taylor slinking out of here because she did not slink. The only flight she could get back to Indiana was early this morning, so I offered to have one of my mother's drivers come up and take her. We all knew she was leaving early."

"I didn't," I said.

"Well, forgive us if this incredibly pertinent bit of information didn't trickle down," Kiran said sarcastically. "There's been kind of a lot going on lately. Now if you'll excuse me, I don't like to keep Helmut waiting."

"Hang on," I said, stopping her before she could make it to the door. "If you all knew about it, then why did you just freak when you found out I knew about the car?"

Kiran turned to look at me, impatient. "What?"


"You just slingshotted me in here when I said something about the car. Like you didn't want anyone to hear me. If everyone knew she was leaving early, then what's with all the cloak and dagger? " I asked.

"Well, Reed, it's not like I want it advertised that I'm just giving people free rides everywhere," Kiran said smoothly. "Word gets out and everyone in this dorm is going to be all over me for trips to Boston and rides to the airport. Like I really need that kind of stress in my life."

I stared at her. She was good, but I didn't believe her. She knew I didn't believe her. And that's why, two seconds later, without so much as a goodbye, she slammed the door in my face.


To: [email protected] .com From: [email protected] Subject: Are you okay???

Hi Taylor,

I'm writing because you're not picking up your cell and I don't have your home number. I wanted to talk to you last night after your fight with Noelle, but Kiran told me to wait. You seemed really upset and then I didn't get to see you this morning, so I just wanted to make sure you're okay.

Anyway, I saw you leave early this morning and . . . I don't know. I just felt weird about it. Kiran says I'm just being paranoid, but I feel like something's really wrong. I can't help it. I'm worried. So write back if you get a chance and tell me I'm insane.

I hope you're okay.

Love, Reed

