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"Luckily, I still have some friends on the inside," I said, my pulse racing. I grabbed my iPhone off my

desk and speed-dialed Sabine's cell. It went right to voice mail. I wasn't going to get what I wanted

from her, but at least I could leave her a message. I waited for the beep and spoke quickly.

"Sabine, it's Reed. This is going to sound insane, but I just wanted to warn you... I think Amberly

might have been my stalker all along, so just... watch your back," I said. "Call me when you get


I ended the call and tried Constance next.

"Hey, Reed!" she said brightly, picking up on the first ring. "What's up?"

"Constance, I need your Billings keycard," I said.

"What for?" she asked.

"I have to... get back in my old room. I left something in there


that I need," I improvised, glancing at Ivy. She nodded her approval at my story.

"Oh, well, I can get it for you," Constance offered.

I squeezed my eyes shut and clenched my free hand. Sometimes Constance's helpful side was

really unhelpful. "Actually, it's kind of hidden and it would be too hard to explain where it is. I was

thinking I'd just go in there tonight after Amberly and Sabine go out and get it."

There was a short pause before Constance said, "Okay. That's fine."

I looked at Ivy and flashed a quick thumbs-up. "Oh, and Constance, don't tell anyone about this,

okay? I'm sure they would all freak out if they knew I was getting back in, even for five minutes."


"I totally understand. My lips are sealed," Constance said. "I'll slip you the card at lunch and just

get someone to let me in after."

"Constance, what would I do without you?" I asked.

I could practically feel the heat of her blush through the phone. "Reed! It's no big deal. I'll see you



I signed off the phone and held it in both hands to stop the nervous quaking. With a grim smile I

looked up at Ivy.

"We're in."
