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Yes, I realized, it could. If I gave the stupid piece of plastic back to her.

"Right. Like that's gonna happen," I said, tilting my head and trying for my best superior Billings

Girl tone. I started by her, but she quickly stepped in front of me.

"You're not keeping it," she said with a condescending laugh. "I gave it to you. I can take it back."

All the guys sitting two tables down were watching me mirthfully,


waiting for my breakdown. And why not? What formerly powerful junior wouldn't break down in

the face of defiance from a scrawny freshman? In fact, most of the people in the room were

watching me with that anticipation in their eyes. I felt myself start to crumble as giggles and

snickers surrounded me, but then I saw Josh and Ivy stroll through the door hand in hand.

Together they paused, instantly noting the big spotlight on my forehead. That was all I needed. No

way were those two going to see me go down. And given that I had handled the disc showdown

with Noelle, I could certainly deal with Amberly.

"Manners, Amberly," I said, tsking under my breath. "Didn't your parents ever teach you it's

impolite to rescind a gift?"

Her eyes searched mine for a moment, uncertain. Apparently this comment had somehow hit

home. Guess her parents were big on propriety.

"Plus, I want to keep it as a souvenir. Maybe it'll be a collector's item after Starbucks finally

destroys your dad's business," I said.

The guys at the nearest table let out a long, low "oooooh," and I couldn't help but smile. Finally,

score one for me. Amberly's face turned bright red and I took the opportunity to shoulder my bag

and skirt by her. I slipped right past Josh and Ivy and beelined for the door, savoring my triumph.

Savoring the fact that I was still capable of having one. That maybe everything wasn't quite as

hopeless as I'd thought.


* * *

That afternoon Sabine, Diana, and I sat on o

ne of the benches on the quad, going over the history

reading. It was a bizarrely warm day for December, and melting ice and snow dripped from the

stone buildings' rooftops into the gutter catches below. Most of Easton was taking advantage of
