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cards. Missy and Lorna were among them, but so were Astrid and Sabine. I hesitated for a

moment, then realized I could endure the sneers of the former two if it meant I could get info out

of the latter pair. I scurried to catch up.

"Hey, guys," I said, falling into step next to Astrid.

Missy scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Oh... hey, Reed," Sabine said tentatively.


"What're those?" I asked, nodding at Astrid's card.

Astrid glanced warily at the others before reluctantly handing over the white square. It was an

invitation for a party thrown by Noelle and Amberly. Scheduled for next Saturday evening.

"I don't get it," I said. Why would Noelle and Amberly be throwing a party together? It didn't gel.

"It's a pre-party for Kiran's birthday extravaganza," Astrid said apologetically. "It's so everyone can

gather on campus before the party buses come round to get us."

My heart curled into a tight ball inside my chest. I had received my invitation to Kiran's birthday

party the week before the fundraiser. The week before the proverbial shit had hit the proverbial

fan. But I hadn't thought about the event for days. Other dramas had shoved it to the back of my

mind. Did my falling-out with Noelle and my ostracism from Billings mean I would no longer be

welcome? Did Kiran even know what had happened? Would she care?

"Everyone's invited. Well, everyone who matters," Missy said snidely, plucking Astrid's invite out

of my hand and giving it back to its rightful owner.

I ignored her comment. "Okay, but why Noelle and Amberly? Why are they throwing it together?"

Astrid and Sabine slowed to a stop, as did Missy and Lorna, who hovered a bit behind them. The

silence dragged on for so long I was starting to get knee-knocking cold.

"Oh, for God's sake, if you don't want to tell her, I will," Missy


said, stepping forward. "It's Noelle's way of welcoming Amberly into Billings. We just voted her in

last night."

I felt as if all the stately buildings of Easton had just crumbled around me, shaking the earth

beneath my feet.

"Amberly?""Yep," Lorna replied. "She's moving her stuff in this afternoon."
