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My Spanish notebook was propped up in front of me, my textbook open to the five-page short

story about which I was supposed to write an essay (all in Spanish). I had my English-to-Spanish

dictionary out, a new file open on my computer, and iTunes set to shuffle. I was ready to work.

Unfortunately, all I could do was stare at the note I had received from Kiran along with the

invitation to her party. I turned the handwritten card over in my hand. Over and over and over.

* * *


It's been TOO long. Please come. Would love to catch up.



* * *

Did the message still apply? Or would she hate me forever once she'd found out what I'd done to

Noelle? Was there any possible way she hadn't already heard?


I so wanted to go to the party. I was dying to see Kiran and hoping that maybe Taylor Bell would

be there as well. It had been too long. But even if Kiran did still want me there, how was I

supposed to get to Boston? I could hardly imagine sitting on a party bus with a couple dozen

Easton students for the two -hour-plus ride. That long in a confined space with nothing but people

who detested me? I'd rather be forced to watch my parents' wedding video nonstop for forty-

eight hours, complete with my dad's off-key rendition of Bon Jovi's "I'll Be There for You."

But if I could make it to the party, it might be the perfect opportunity to talk to Noelle. All our old

friends together again. Just like old times. Maybe she would find it easier to forgive me if she could

be reminded why we'd become friends in the first place.

I sighed and tossed the card down on my scarred desk, gazing at my blank computer screen. There

was a lull as iTunes switched songs and I heard a voice, as clear as day, come through the vent

under my bed.

"Okay, if you're going to keep doing that, I'm going to have to leave," Josh said with a laugh in his

voice. "We're supposed to be studying."

Hot, acidic bile rose up in my throat. What exactly was Ivy doing? About a thousand unsavory

possibilities flooded my mind and I instantly reached for my phone. No way was I going to sit in
