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these days--trust me--that girl is going to get what's coming to her."

My breath caught in my throat as I remembered what she'd said to me on the street that night in

New York--how she'd singled out Noelle as the only person left in the Billings ivory tower worth

taking down. Hauer had blown me off when I'd told him about it, but now here she was, doing it

again--and threatening Noelle even more directly. My fingers clenched and I turned my fiercest

glare on Ivy.

"Stay away from Noelle," I warned, speaking through my teeth.


Ivy glanced at me and for the first time looked genuinely interested. "What's that supposed to


"It means that if you hurt her, or anyone else in Billings, I will personally see to it that you go

down," I said, getting right in her face.

Ivy's jaw dropped again, her eyes wide, and she laughed. "You're kidding, right? Moi? I'm not the

one you should be worried about. I'm not the coldhearted bitch who will step on anyone to get

her way. I'm not one who's so addicted to power she'd actually kill someone to take over a dorm."

"I didn't kill Cheyenne," I said firmly.

Ivy laughed again. "Well, duh. I wasn't talking about you."

"Then who were you--"

A cold wave of realization came over me. Ivy was blaming Cheyenne's death on Noelle. She

thought Noelle had done it. Or at least she was trying to deflect her own culpability onto Noelle.

"That girl you all worship is capable of a lot of things you could never even imagine, Reed," Ivy

said, zipping up her black tote. "Just wait until the truth comes out. Then you'll know. Then you'll

finally see her for what she really is."

With that, she swept out of the bathroom, letting the door swing closed behind her.

So this was how she was going to get back at Noelle. How she was going to make the ivory tower

fall. She was going to get Noelle to take the blame for her crime, while trying to drive me crazy by

"haunting" me in the process. Was she punishing me for "worshipping" Noelle?


At least she hadn't succeeded in framing Noelle yet, since the majority of the campus had assigned

the guilt to me. I wasn't going to let her get away with it.
