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I groaned. I already knew who she was going to say and then I heard my worst fear. “There’s a Hunter in town. She trusts him. He can help you. He can help her.”

“Why did I ask in the first place?” Holy man, I really hated that vampire.

Blue chuckled gravely. “The most gifted always search. It’s an automatic radar, Davy. It continually scans without causing you the normal pain. But only the most gifted are able to do that.”

I didn’t need to hear that. I did not want to be one of the ‘most gifted.’ I couldn’t keep the disbelief out of my voice. “Right.”

“It’s true. I haven’t said anything because I’m aware of how you feel, but it’s true. You are very gifted. What you can do… takes my breath away sometimes.”

It took my breath away too—and not in the good way.

Emily moaned in her sleep, which was followed by another train arriving at the station. Okay, I needed to face facts. I couldn’t do anything about my most cursed gift, but I could do something about Kates. “The Hunter, huh?”

“He’s who you need to contact. Do you know how?”

Do I know how? I scoffed at that thought. There’s always a few venues to search out a Hunter, but lucky for me—I had my roommate.

“Yeah. I’ll be fine,” I reassured her.

“Alright…,” I could sense her unease now. “…just, I’ll lower my shield to you so you can reach me if you get in trouble. I’ll alert the community immediately.”

That was not what we needed. If she alerted our community, the empathic community, then it might be war between the empaths and vampires.

“No, no. I’ll be fine. I’ll find the Hunter. We’ll be fine.”

“Okay. Well…. I’ll be feeling you.” And Blue hung up with her slightly eerie parting.

After that, I needed to wake Emily. The idea was not appealing, but I reached forward and gently patted her shoulder. “Emily. Em.”


“Hey!” I shoved her this time.

“What? Huh?” She blinked, dazed, and struggled to focus. “Davy?”

“Do you have Roane’s phone number?” She just looked at me. I snapped my fingers in front of her face and I saw the fog separate.


“Luke Roane.”

“Luke? Is he here?” She started to sit up, but I pushed her back down.

“He’s not, but I have to call him. Do you have his number?”


I saw the wheels turn slowly, but I knew she was starting to wonder why I’d need his number… and why I needed to call him. “Where’s his number? I wanted to warn him about Kates. I think she might like him.”

“It’s in my cell phone.” Her answer was predictably instant.

“And where’s that?”

“My purse.” She lifted her arm weakly and it dropped back down with a plop.

I saw that her arm was still through the pink purse straps. I hadn’t even noticed when I carried her inside, but then again, I was a little distracted by carrying her entire body. After I snagged her phone from inside, I thumbed through the contacts and found him. It took four rings before I heard his abrupt greeting, “Who is this?”

My mouth was dry. “Emily’s roommate.”
