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Allison’s expression dimmed, and she sighed. “He’s not—”

I kissed her to cut off her sentence. “Me too,” I murmured against her lips. Then rubbed my nose over hers before standing tall again.

“You too?” she asked a little dazedly. I smirked, always happy to see her reaction to my touch.

“A dream for me too, nena,” I explained.

Instead of making her smile, I was thrown off by the way her lips curled down.

“Everything looks good,” Dr. Frazier chirped. “Here is the prescription for vitamins and other helpful information about pregnancy. I want to see you back in four weeks. You can make an appointment with Harriet after Tarzan apologizes.”

I winced, having forgotten about that unappealing task.

“Wait, I have a few questions.”


“What kind of food should she avoid? I know what they told my mother, but that was twenty years ago, and things change.”

Dr. Frazier actually smiled at me for a change. “That’s a great question. There’s more information in the packet I gave Allison, but I always make a few additional suggestions.”

I peppered her with questions for a good half hour, and she patiently answered each one. Until the last one. Then she laughed for a good thirty seconds before she could breathe again.

“Wow, you lasted a whole lot longer than Thatcher. Sex was maybe his third question.” She rolled her eyes and snorted. “It was Justice’s first.” Turning on her stool, she opened a drawer and pulled out another stapled sheaf of papers. “For the most part, your sex life can remain as active and...vigorous as usual. As long as you avoid anything that will push hard on her belly. As she gets bigger, certain positions will start to become uncomfortable, and her size will hamper others. Let her body tell you what you should and shouldn’t be doing. If you’re concerned about recognizing the signs, though, this pamphlet explains it more in detail with some suggested benchmarks for things to avoid.”

I breathed a mental sigh of relief. After not having Allison for a month, I wasn’t sure I’d have the ability to leave her pussy for very long, much less let her leave the bedroom. I intended to make up for lost time. She might already be bred, but we could sure as fuck practice for the next one. Allison and I both wanted a big family, and I intended to keep her knocked up as often as possible.

“Thank you.” I shook Dr. Frazier’s hand and she gave me a smile that I hoped meant she liked me a little more than she had when we met.

Once she was gone. I helped Allison off the table and kissed her forehead. “Go get changed, nena,” I instructed. “I want to get you home so we can talk.”



It was another twenty minutes before Harriet had accepted my apology, Allison made her appointment, and we walked out into the humid New York heat. It was still early afternoon and wouldn’t begin to let up until the sun was down.

I was concerned about Allison dealing with this level of heat while pregnant. It was on the list of things to be mindful of. Yes, I’d already read the lists and committed them to memory while Allison was checking out.

As we walked to the curb, Derek exited the car and came around to open the back door. Allison tugged on my sleeve to get my attention, and I immediately stopped to see what she needed. “What is it, nena?”

She pointed down the street. “I only live a mile from here. I can walk.” Said like a true New Yorker. Damn, she was adorable. And so very wrong. Our home was in Lenox Hill, between Madison and 5th Ave, and we were currently in the East Village.

“Not in this heat, nena. And we’re not going to your parents' townhouse.” I ushered her into the car, ignoring her look of astonishment. “Home,” I told Derek before sliding into the car beside Allison.

“How do you know where I live? Wait, how did you know about my appointment...and where it was? How did you even know I was pregnant?” Her voice had escalated in volume until she shouted the last part.

“Ali, calm down,” I said in a soothing tone. I slid up the barrier between the back seat and the front of the car so we had some privacy. I knew I should address her questions, but I’d waited so fucking long to be alone with her. I gripped her hips and lifted her onto my lap so she was straddling me, then cupped the back of her head with one hand, while the other pressed on her lower back, bringing her close so there was no space between us. “I missed you so fucking much,” I groaned before guiding her lips to mine and kissing her as if I could get back the lost time.
