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She brought a hand up to tuck some wayward strands of hair behind her ear, then paused instead of dropping it to her side. It took monumental effort to stay still and wait while the attraction between us buzzed over my skin and pumped blood to my cock.

Finally, Allison breathed in deep, and as she exhaled, she placed her palm in mine.

My fingers automatically laced with hers, and the tension I’d been carrying around since the day I saw her melted away. I gently squeezed her hand before raising it to my lips.

“My name is Diego,” I said as I lowered our arms and led her toward one of the paths to the beach.

“Allison,” she responded in a musical voice that had me instantly hard. Well, more so than I already was because just the thought of my girl gave me a hard-on.

“Beautiful.” I was complimenting more than her name, and she blushed prettily again when my eyes swept from her head to her pink-tipped toes.

Her bashfulness was adorable, but I also loved the lack of pretense in her expressions. Allison wore her emotions without reserve, and at the moment, her eyes were bright with pleasure and excitement. “Let’s go for a walk, nena.”

Allison’s eyes sparkled when she smiled. Damn, she was gorgeous.

“Okay,” she answered kindly.

The morning air was warm, an indication it would be another scorching day, so I guided her down to the water, where we could enjoy the breeze off the ocean.

“Where are you from?” I asked to start a light conversation.

“New York City. Manhattan,” she replied. Of course, I already knew that, but it was best if I coaxed the information from her. I wasn’t sure how she’d react if she knew just how deep my obsession with her was.

“And you just graduated from high school?”

“Yes. Charlie and I both. Our fathers gave us this vacation as a gift before we start our summer internships.” She smiled with false brightness, surprising me. “Then college in the fall.”

“You don’t sound terribly excited about either,” I replied, gently urging her to open up to me.

Allison shrugged and didn’t elaborate. I decided to let it go for the moment and dig for other information.

“Is your family in New York?”

Her face lit up, and she grinned. “Oh, yes. And there are lots of them,” she said with a laugh. As she told me more, she used her free hand to gesticulate excitedly. The love she had for her family couldn’t have been more obvious, and I’d never been happier that I’d moved to New York City than at that moment. Although, if I hadn’t already, I would have done so immediately, just to make her happy.

“I have three brothers and one sister, all younger. But I also grew up with a gaggle of cousins. And then there are our sort of adopted cousins.” She chuckled before going on to explain. “My parents’ closest friends all have kids around our same ages, and they are as much my cousins as the blood-related ones.”

“Do you want a big family?” From the way she talked about it, I figured it was a solid assumption. It fit right in with my plans for us.

Allison bobbed her head before glancing shyly up at me. “Definitely. It was always loud, and crowded, and chaotic, and I absolutely loved it. Honestly, it’s all I’ve ever wanted. To be a mom.” Pink dusted her cheeks, and she dropped her head but looked up through her long lashes. “I hope I can find a guy who wants the same things.”

Suddenly, her lack of enthusiasm over work and college clicked in my mind. She was doing those things because it was expected of her, but what she really wanted was to have a family. She was so fucking perfect.

It was on the tip of my tongue to tell her she’d found the right man, the only man, for her. To tell her she would be a mommy as soon as I got my cock inside her tight pussy. Again though, I held back to keep from freaking her out by the intensity of my desire for her. I wanted to ease her into the idea of us before I lowered my walls and let her see just how deep my fixation with her really went.

Considering how short the time had been since I first saw her, people would probably call me crazy. I didn’t give a fuck what anyone thought except my nena. And if anyone tried to take her from me, I’d be dumping their body in the East River when I was done with them. Putting my ring on Allison’s finger and my baby in her belly were the only things I was focused on.

I pulled her to a stop and kept my gaze trained on her face when I said, “I grew up with a large family as well, and I plan on having a houseful of children.”
