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Acid burns in my esophagus, and a hard swallow is the only thing keeping it down. Part of me wishes I didn’t have to be here to witness this meeting, but I can’t imagine sitting alone in the House of Virgo, left in the dark as these men decide the fate of my future with Sebastian. I glance at his blond head from the corner of my eye and recall every kiss and sigh from this afternoon.

Every whimper and moan as we moved in tandem, seeking forbidden pleasure.

I would give anything to feel him against me again, to hear his breaths in my ear and the addictive taste of his kiss on my tongue. But not if it means he’s kicked out of the auction. I let out a soundless exhale, my heart skipping too many beats. I’ve ever been as scared as I am now since setting foot in this tower.

Liam sounds the gavel, and the meeting officially begins. A curvy brunette entered after Landon, and she sits on the outskirts of the circle, her slender fingers poised over a laptop to record every word.

The chancellor clears his throat. “On this day, September 6th in the Year of the Queen in the eighteenth Brotherhood cycle, we bring judgement forth on Sebastian Alexander Stone, from the House of Leo, for inappropriate sexual conduct with the queen.” Liam pauses, his gaze making the rounds before landing on me. “Let the record show the queen was a willing participate in the misconduct, therefore I have no jurisdiction over her during this summons.”

He falls quiet for several long moments as my love for another man flays him for all to see. But Liam is proud and strong, and when he raises his head, he banishes all evidence of hurt from his expression, going into unbending leadership mode.

“The Brotherhood is summoned today to vote on whether Mr. Stone should be expelled from the auction. Simple majority decides. We start with the House of Taurus.” He turns to Heath. “Yay or nay, Mr. Bordeaux?”

“Yay.” His answer isn’t unexpected, nor is the unmoving detachment that taints that single word.

But Landon’s fury increases, his disapproval clear in the severe angle of his mouth as he shoots Heath a murderous glance. I’m sure if my brother were able, he’d lecture Sebastian and me until he could speak no more. Even so, it’s no surprise when Landon votes against expulsion. Vance votes in line with my brother, and I hold my breath as Liam turns to Miles next.

“How do you vote, Mr. Sinclair?”

My keeper’s profile doesn’t give a hint of what he’s thinking. Has his anger cooled? Can he recognize the transgression for what it was—a moment of weakness between two people who couldn’t help themselves? Most importantly, will he find forgiveness in time to grant clemency?

“They knew the consequences,” Miles says. “I vote for expulsion.”

His condemnation settles over the room, far from the empathy I’d hoped he would find. I wring my hands as the vote proceeds. Of course, Pax elects to have Sebastian removed, while Ford and Tatum want to keep him in the auction. Hugo and Oliver are divided, the latter voting for expulsion, while Sullivan gives a clipped reply of yay.

The members are five and five, with Sebastian unable to cast his vote. When it comes time for Liam to add his voice to the mix, I close my eyes in despair, barely breathing.

I can’t watch this.

He’s in a no-win situation, and his job as tie-breaker demands a certain amount of respect. If he votes for Sebastian to be removed, he breaks my heart. But if he votes against it, allowing a path for Sebastian and I to marry, Liam breaks his own. I keep my eyes shut, the ensuing seconds throbbing at my temples—seemingly the only sound in the room until his voice busts through the ruckus in my head.


My eyes fly open, and Liam’s lock-jawed expression brands on my mind, never to be removed. This moment will live there until the day I die, a permanent tattoo of the sacrifice he just made for me.

Because he loves me.

“The matter is decided,” he says, hand shaking as he brings the gavel down once more. “Meeting adjourned. Escort Mr. Stone and the queen to separate cells.” He swallows thickly. “I’ll put in the call to his father.”

Without another word, the chancellor strides from the room, and I glance at Sebastian. “Why is Liam summoning your father?”

“We’re about to enter the punishment portion of this circus,” he says, a dark glower spreading over his face. “They need my father’s presence and permission to punish me.”

“And what…” I lick my lips. “What about me?”

Sebastian’s gaze settles on Miles. “There’s only one man here who has any say over you, princess, and he’s sitting between us.”

Miles pushes his chair back. “I’ll go easy on you, my queen. Ten lashes, and we’ll be even.”
