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She took another swig of wine and tilted her head so that her long hair fell over one shoulder. “You know, you’re right. And you’re pretty good at that, since you definitely got more out of me than I’ve gotten out of you.”

“I’m not trying to get anything out of you, Scarlett.”

“I know, but I’ve been open with you because...” She ducked her head and stuffed a piece of garlic bread in her mouth.

Garlic or not, he’d kiss her later, anyway. He dragged his gaze from her mouth to her eyes.


“Oh, you know. Because I knew you in high school.”

“Yeah, and we were such good friends.”

She snorted. “You weren’t friends with anyone.”

“And you were only friends with the other kids from the rez.”

“Couple of social butterflies, I tell ya.” She tossed her hair back and laughed.

The knock on Scarlett’s door cut across her laugh, and Jim dropped his bread.

“Now what? I guess my toast was a jinx.”

She hopped from her stool and stalked toward the front door. He had no intention of letting her open that door by herself, so he dogged her steps and hovered over her shoulder as she peered out the window.

She blew out a noisy breath. “It’s Deputy Collins with another officer I don’t know.”

Jim’s muscles tensed, and a rush of adrenaline slammed against his temples. Why would they be out here at this time of night?

Before he could stop her, Scarlett opened the front door. “Do you have any news, Deputy Collins?”

The deputy’s eyes widened as he looked past Scarlett and met Jim’s gaze. “I thought you might be here, Kennedy.”

Jim widened his stance, placing his weight on his good leg. “Here I am.”

Collins placed his hand on his service revolver. “James Kennedy, you’re under arrest for the murder of Jeff Kelly.”

Chapter Six

Darkness rushed in on Jim and he clenched his fists at his sides. He couldn’t be confined. He couldn’t let them take him.

The blood raced through his veins and his heart almost pumped out of his chest. If he assaulted the officer and took off, it would be all over for him. He had to get a grip. Innocent men didn’t run.

Scarlett’s hand closed around his, her cool touch soothing the rage within him.

“What are you talking about, Collins? Jim was here with me last night. We discovered Rusty’s body together.”

“Ma’am, Ms. Easton, you need to step back, please. We have a warrant for Mr. Kennedy’s arrest and I need to read him his rights.”

She stamped her foot. “What evidence do you have? This is ridiculous.”

Jim dragged in a deep breath. She was on his side. He could do this.

“It’s okay, Scarlett. They’ll tell me what they have when they get me to the station. If I give you a card, can you call my buddy? He can recommend an attorney in the area for me.”

“Jim, this is absurd. You didn’t kill anyone.”

Her cheeks reddened as if she’d suddenly realized the falsity of that statement spoken to an army ranger sniper.

“I mean, you didn’t kill Rusty. Tell him.”

“It’s okay. I’ll have my opportunity.”

Collins read him his rights and then asked if he had any weapons on him.

“Not on me.” He tilted his head back. “My Glock’s in the pocket of my jacket, hanging on that hook.”

Collins gestured to the other deputy and then tapped Jim on the shoulder. “Turn around.”

Turning, Jim gritted his teeth at the sound of the cuffs jangling behind him. He had to hold everything together so the cops wouldn’t have him for resisting arrest, even though every fiber in his body was screaming at him to fight. He had to tamp down his rising rage.

Breathe. Think. Reason.

“Can you get my wallet out of my pocket and give it to Scarlett?”

Collins patted him down and removed the wallet. He handed it to Scarlett.

Jim met Scarlett’s frantic gaze with his own steady one. “There’s a card in there for Ken Stucken. Give him a call and tell him what happened. Tell him I need an attorney.”

Scarlett’s hands shook as she rifled through his wallet. “I found it.”
