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“That was the most unnerving aspect of the whole event?”

“Gloves, so he avoided skin-to-skin contact with me.”

“It wouldn’t be unusual for someone planning an attack like that to include gloves in his kit. And if he’s the same one who killed Rusty and broke into your place, we already know he doesn’t leave fingerprints.”

“I know that, but there’s another reason why he’d wear gloves in an attack on me—there’s always the chance that I’ll flash on him. You know, feel his touch and be able to determine something about him.”

“So you think it’s someone who knows you or knows about your special gifts.”

“Uncle Danny knows all about that—and how those gifts work.”

Jim jerked his thumb over his shoulder. “Can you see who he’s meeting at the bar?”

“He’s behind the wall that separates that half of the bar from the dining room. I can’t see him.”

“Trip to the ladies’ room? Men’s room is on the other side.”

“Good idea.” Scarlett swept her napkin from her lap and dropped it beside her plate. She didn’t even have to be obvious about spying on Danny, since she could walk to the ladies’ room through the dining room without passing through the bar. She turned left into the passageway to the restroom, without looking into the bar.

While she washed her hands, she peered into the mirror to make sure she didn’t have any spinach in her teeth. She was still treating this as a date, even though it had veered off its intended course with the appearance of Uncle Danny.

She tossed a paper towel into the trash and then hit the swinging door with her hip to open it. She meant to glance quickly to her right just to check out Danny and his companions, but what she saw halted her in her tracks and made her blood boil.

She swerved into the bar and poked her cousin Jason in the back. “What are you doing with him?”

Danny’s lips curled into a half smile and Jason jumped. “Scarlett. What are you doing here?”

“I’m having dinner with Jim. More to the point, what are you doing here and what are you doing with Danny?”

“I—I just came in to pick up a check for Chloe, who’s not feeling well, and I ran into your uncle.”

“Really? Because he just got through telling me he was meeting someone here.”

Danny patted her shoulder. “I am, Scarlett, and it’s not Jason. Relax. I’m not corrupting your cousin. Besides, shouldn’t you be more worried about J.T. and Dax Kennedy corrupting him? At least I’m not an ex-con.”

“Doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be.” She shook her finger in Jason’s face. “Whatever he’s offering, it’s sure to have a high price down the road. It’s not worth it. Just keep doing what you’re doing, Jason.”

She spun around as Danny called after her. “Always nice to see you, Scar.”

She flounced back to the table and dropped into her chair.

“What happened? Who’s Danny meeting?”

“My cousin Jason.”

“Is Danny his uncle, too?”

“No, Jason and Annie are my mom’s brother’s kids—Fosters, not Eastons.”

“You don’t want Jason associating with Danny?”

“Danny doesn’t show interest in family unless he thinks he can get something out of it. I’m just worried he’s filling Jason’s head with all kinds of get-rich-quick schemes—illegal get-rich-quick schemes.”

Jim shifted forward, his knees bumping hers beneath the table. “Jason seems like he’s got his head on straight.”

“Yeah, but construction work has been slowing down for him, and Chloe’s still trying to finish school, but she had to drop out last semester. Money’s tight for them, and I know how persuasive Uncle Danny can be.”

“Do you want me to talk to Jason?” Jim’s lips twisted. “I have some experience in resisting the dark forces around me.”

“Would you?” She grabbed his hand. “That would be awesome.”

“He’s coming by to look at his bike tomorrow. I’ll give him an earful then.” He raised her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles. “This hasn’t been much of a romantic date, has it?”
