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“That’s the one. Are you sure you don’t want me to go with you or wait here? You know I can be in a bar and not go crazy?”

“I know that. You can lay out our clothes so they’ll be dry by tomorrow morning, and maybe get a hot shower going.” The elevator dinged as it settled at the lobby level. “I’ll be right up.”

She waved to him as the doors closed and then spun around toward the lobby. She crossed the room, making a beeline for the dark bar in the corner, which was emitting live folk music.

Who knew Timberline had an actual nightlife? Evergreen Software really had changed the town.

She walked to the entrance of the bar, her bare feet sinking into the carpet. A couple deep in conversation didn’t even look up when she entered. The lone guy at the bar gave her a quick glance before turning his attention back to the silent TV screen, and a woman seated in front of the musician gave Scarlett a dirty look and put her finger to her lips—must be the folk singer’s girlfriend. So much for Timberline nightlife.

Scarlett ordered a glass of red wine from the bartender and then stuffed a pretzel in her mouth while tapping her foot to the beat of the song.

The bartender delivered her wine. “Do you want me to open a tab?”

“No, I’m taking this to my room. You can give me the check now.”

Once he delivered the bill, she scribbled her signature on it and then raised her glass. “Thanks.”

As she left the bar, a group of people in front of the elevator exploded in laughter. Suddenly self-conscious about her lack of underwear, her bare feet and the glass of wine in her hand, Scarlett pivoted toward the stairwell. She could handle three flights.

She slipped through the fire door and had started climbing the first set of stairs when the fire door behind her swung open. Looked like she couldn’t avoid people even if she wanted to.

A whisper floated through the stairwell, and she slowed her steps. Had she stumbled upon another couple looking for a private spot for an intimate encounter?

The whisper turned into a lowered male voice. “We can’t do it again, not with those two snooping around.”

“I’ll make it worth your while, just like last time.”

The other speaker snorted softly. “Didn’t work out that great twenty-five years ago.”

Scarlett’s muscles froze and she held her breath.

“Not my problem. I can take care of her, but you gotta get rid of him—and it all has to look like an accident.”

“Shouldn’t be too hard. He’s got that gimpy leg and I heard he’s kinda messed up in the head.”

She backed up one step, the hand holding her wineglass, trembling.

The fire door above her burst open and Jim called down. “Hello?”

Terrified Jim would say her name, she spun around, taking the first step. Her toe hit the edge and she dropped her wineglass.

It shattered into a million pieces and broadcast her presence in the stairwell—loud and clear.

Chapter Fourteen

Jim jumped when he heard the crash of broken glass echo in the stairwell. Taking a step forward, he drew in a breath to call out to Scarlett. A split second later she appeared before him, her face white, a finger held to her lips.

Then he heard it. Heavy footsteps from the floors above.

Jim widened the door and grabbed Scarlett’s arm when she reached him and pulled her into the lobby.

She gasped out one word: “Run.”

If they were running from the people coming down those stairs, they wouldn’t get very far. Jim pulled Scarlett in his wake as he careened down the hallway, looking for an out.

A supply room door stood open and Jim pushed Scarlett into the small room and yanked the door closed behind them. He braced his shoulder against the door in case it didn’t lock and shoved his hand in his pocket and withdrew his Glock.

With his other arm, he held Scarlett against his chest where her heart pounded in rhythm with his.

His muscles coiled when the door to the stairwell crashed open, and Scarlett’s body stiffened in his arms. He put his lips close to her ear, the damp tendrils of her hair tickling his nose. “Shh.”

The carpet in the hallway muffled the footsteps heading their way, but to his ears they sounded like a herd of elephants.

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