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“I had Jason bug her place.”

Scarlett gasped.

“Don’t worry about your little cuz. He didn’t know he was doing it. He just thought he was delivering a gift to her from me—a sentimental gift that had belonged to my brother.”

“Y-you killed my father, didn’t you? Or Rocky had it done.”

“Chewy, get Kennedy over by the mine.”

“Move it, Kennedy.” Chewy stepped forward, his gun gleaming in the low light, a shovel in his left hand.

Jim shuffled toward the mine entrance and glanced down. Someone had removed the boards from the top, leaving a gaping hole.

Chewy came at him, and Jim’s muscles tensed, ready for the attack...or the bullet.

“Hate to do this to a Lord, but you were never one of us, were you?”

Chewy swung the shovel and hit him in the midsection, sending him into the dark abyss—again.

Chapter Seventeen

Scarlett screamed and broke away from Danny, but he grabbed her arm and yanked her back.

“Leave him, Scar. With any luck, he messed up his other leg. He’s not your concern anymore. Your concern is finding those drugs.”

Chewy rose to his feet from where he’d been crouching beside the mine entrance, aiming his flashlight into the depths. “J.T.’s at the bottom of the mine—probably dead.”

Scarlett sobbed and then red, hot fury coursed through her veins and she clawed at Danny’s face.

He smacked her cheek and she stumbled backward, catching a tree branch to stop her fall.

“Start digging. Once I get the drugs back and hand them over to Chewy and his guy, we’ll be on our way. We’ll go to another area, find other kids.”

Chewy brushed his hair away from his small, dumb eyes. “But Rocky...?”

“Rocky doesn’t have to know where the kids came from. He hasn’t been in Timberline for years.”

Scarlett touched her throbbing cheek. “What does Rocky Whitecotton want with these children? What did he do with them twenty-five years ago?”

“You don’t need to know, Scar. Just start digging. I’ll even let you live.”

Scarlett snorted. She didn’t believe that for a minute, but she had to hang on to the hope. If Danny and Chewy took the drugs and left her alive, she might be able to save Jim. She refused to believe he was dead. Refused to believe that fall had killed him.

She picked up a shovel, and Danny leveled his gun at her.

“Don’t try anything stupid. Just start digging.”

Chewy joined them and shined his flashlight at the ground under the tree.

A pattern of rocks emerged under the pine, and Danny must’ve spotted it the same time she did.

“There. Dax must’ve lined up those rocks like that. You should’ve warned me Dax’s loyalties were with his brother, Chewy. I never would’ve handed the stash over to him.”

“Prison must’ve changed him. He was always loyal to the Lords first.”

Scarlett sniffed. Her guess was that Dax was only loyal to the Lords so his younger brother wouldn’t have to be. Had Jim realized that too before...? She squeezed her eyes shut. He couldn’t be gone. She’d know. She’d feel it now if he were.

Danny poked his gun in her back. “Start digging, girl. You’re going to do all the work, and we’re going to make sure you do it.”

Scarlett grabbed the shovel and drove it into the damp ground. She drew it out and tossed a shovelful of dirt to the side.

“That’s not so hard, is it?”

After five minutes of digging, she wiped a drop of rain—or was it sweat—from her forehead. “Did you kill Gary Binder?”

“That loser didn’t know much, but he knew enough to give that FBI agent some ideas. The agent was already looking into the Lords of Chaos. Gary could’ve given him the final link between the Quileute and the Lords.”

“But why? Why did Rocky kidnap those children?”

Danny smacked the back of her head. “I told you. Don’t worry about it. He gives his orders, and I follow them. If your father would’ve done the same, he’d be alive today and living the good life.”

Tears burned behind Scarlett’s eye and the dirt below her blurred. “And Rusty?”
