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Belinda curled her fingers around the handles of Dax’s wheelchair. “Don’t worry, Doc. I’ll make sure he does everything he’s supposed to.”

Dax shrugged as she wheeled him out of the room. “I’ll catch up with you later, J.T.—Jim.”

Jim held up a clenched fist. “Proud of you, bro.”

When Dr. Harris followed Belinda and Dax out of the room, Scarlett rested her head on his chest.

He’d never get tired of that, either.

“Will it be hard for Dax to leave the Lords? It was hard for you.”

“Different time. The Lords are pretty much done in this area. Nobody’s going to be coming after Dax.”

“I still can’t believe you made it out of that mine and were able to get to the gun strapped to your leg.”

“Chewy didn’t check me for any more weapons. Snipers always carry a spare. And I had that rope wrapped across my body. I guess he missed that, too.”

“Or maybe he figured the fall would incapacitate or kill you.”

“He figured wrong.” He traced a line from her earlobe along her jaw. “Agent Harper dropped by. Did you see him?”

“No. He was here earlier?”

“The FBI was able to trace the drugs to Danny, but they still don’t have any idea where Rocky Whitecotton is. It’s like he fell off the face of the earth twenty-five years ago.”

“So, the FBI doesn’t know why he wanted those children and what he did with them?”

“The Timberline Trio is still a mystery. If they can’t find Whitecotton, maybe we’ll never know what happened to those kids and why.”

“I feel for those families, but I’m done. I’m done with Timberline for a while, except for Granny.”

“Did you tell Jason what he’d done?”

“He feels bad. He figured Danny was up to no good, but he needed the money he was offering.”

“I’m sure he wouldn’t have done it if he thought it was going to put you in danger.”

“That’s his problem.” She tapped her head. “He doesn’t think.”

“And you? What do you think?”

“About what?” She wedged her chin on his chest and gazed into his eyes.


“I’ve always liked Seattle.”

“There’s a training program for counselors there that sounds good. I can even start working at the VA center right away.”

“That would be great for you, Jim.”

“And maybe for you? I talked to the VA about that art therapy. The folks there are interested...if you are.”

“Us? Working together?”

“I think we make a good team—that is if you’re willing to throw in with a battered and bruised vet.”

“Battered and bruised, but not broken.”

She pressed her lips against his and he smiled beneath her kiss. Not broken, not broken at all.

* * * * *
