Page 38 of The District

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Dragging in a ragged breath he pulled out the desk chair and plopped down in it. Work. He needed to get this stuff down in a report to his boss. The SFPD would appreciate a heads-up, too, and would expect it of Detective Sean Brody’s brother.

He opened a file and started typing, the blank screen filling up with black words keeping his mind off the woman next door.

He worked for another hour, transferring information from his scribbled notes and random pieces of paper to the orderly file taking shape before him.

He pushed back from the desk and stretched at the same moment his phone buzzed beside the laptop. He lunged for the phone and saw his brother’s name on the display.

“Where the hell have you been?”

“Don’t hate on me, but I’ve been working in Maui.”

“Good for you, Judd. Glad to see you gainfully employed.”

“Yeah, I’ve been bodyguarding that little actress from that new werewolf TV series.”

“Okay, I’m officially hating on you.”

“But I’ve got good news for you.”

“You found Christina’s sister?”

“Are you back with Christina? It’s about time, bro.”

“I’m back working with her, and you didn’t answer my question.”

“Vivi Sandoval is in Mexico.”

“How’d you discover that?”

“I’m a P.I.—I never reveal my sources, unlike you loose-lipped fibbies.”

“Is she okay?” Eric stretched out on the bed.

“Yeah. Shacking up with some older dude. Is she missing or something? She’s a little old to be running away from home.”

“Christina was worried about her. Vivi doesn’t have her phone.”

“I didn’t think the two of them were that close.”

“She’s the only sibling Christina has.”

“Unlike us lucky SOBs, right? If you’re in the city, have you seen Sean?”

“He’s on an extended vacation right now—with some teacher.”

“Yeah, yeah. I heard something about that.” Judd cleared his throat. “You need anything else? Because right now the actress is getting ready for a private luau—you know, piña coladas, hula girls, warm Hawaiian nights.”

Eric snorted. “Don’t work too hard...bro.”

He closed his eyes and crossed his arms behind his head. At least he had some good news for Christina. She’d mentioned her father was in Mexico, so Vivi was probably with him—the powerful brujo.

The rap on the door jerked him out of dreamland and he rolled from the bed. Rubbing his eyes, he opened the door to Christina’s room.

She jabbed a finger in the air. “You’ve been sleeping.”

“I kind of dozed off.” He yawned. “But that report’s going to be in good shape for Rich on Monday morning.”

“I had no luck at all with Olivia.” She flicked her fingers in the air.

He grabbed her hand, sporting new black nail polish. “I see you’ve been hard at work at the salon downstairs.”

“Oh, these?” She curled her fingers and inspected her fingernails. “Thought I’d better get a little more in character.”

“Do you really think witches wear black nail polish?”

“Vivi does—and lots of black eyeliner, and let’s not forget Darius.”

“Which brings me to my next piece of news. Judd called. Vivi’s down in Mexico, probably with your dad.”

She squealed and threw her arms, black nail polish and all, around his neck. “That’s awesome news. Judd is the best. She’s okay?”

“As far as his source could tell him, she’s fine. If she’s with your dad, he’ll protect her, right?” Since her arms were still around his neck, his curled naturally around her waist.

“Absolutely. There aren’t many in the occult world who are going to mess with Octavio Sandoval.”

He kissed her forehead because, well, his lips were so close anyway. “Good. At least that’s one issue we can put to bed—to rest.”

“Are you hungry?”

Her plump lips were close, too, and he was hungry, hungry for her touch. “I’m starving, and there’s nothing dampening my appetite now. No barriers between me and the feast before me.”

Her body stiffened in his arms, and she placed her hands flat against his chest. “Except maybe work.”

He dropped his arms. “Work.”

“Do you want to show me that report?” She twirled away from him.

It took him several seconds to catch his breath and dial back on the lust that had surged through his body parts. Either he’d been misreading her signals or she’d just gotten cold feet.

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