Page 74 of The District

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Then Kendall touched her finger to Eric’s nose. “What’s that?”

“Oh, now I know you’re just being goofy.”

Elise, sitting cross-legged on the floor, picked up a picture book. “Do you want to look at the book, Kendall?”

Kendall slid from his lap and trotted over to Elise.

His brother Sean smiled at the picture of Elise pulling Kendall into her lap and opening the book. “Elise can keep her occupied for hours. She’s great with kids.”

Christina tapped Sean on the head as she walked behind him. “Are you trying to tell us something?”

Sean swatted at her hand. “Some of us actually plan to get married before having kids.”

“Oh?” Christina widened her eyes. “Now are you trying to tell us something?”

“One thing at a time.” Sean stretched his long legs in front of him. “We’re just enjoying our time away here in San Diego.”

Eric asked, “How many more weeks are you out?”

“Haven’t decided yet, why?”

“I was going to have you put in a word for Officer Griego to make detective, but I heard she was involved in a shoot-out just when we were wrapping up there.”

“I heard that, but she’s going to be okay. I’ll talk to her about it when she’s back on duty and I’m back from my leave.” Sean crossed his arms behind his head. “So, you really think the Phone Book Killer was somehow involved in all this witchcraft stuff?”

“I don’t know for sure, but my kidnappers definitely were.”

“Or at least one of them.” Sean wagged his finger at him. “Don’t jump to conclusions.”

“Like you did when Dr. Patrick wound up dead?”

Sean’s finger moved to his lips as he glanced at Elise reading the story to Kendall. “She’s the one who found him.”

“Well, if you’re interested in finding out more,” he said, kicking a box at his feet, “I have Christina’s notes on Dad’s case.”

Sean eyed the box stuffed with papers. “You hauled that all the way down to San Diego?”

“I can haul it back to Christina’s place in San Miguel, if you want.” He cleared his throat. “I’ll be joining her there as soon as I finish up my next assignment, which is going to take me back to D.C. for a few months.”

“You’d be better off giving those notes to Ryan.”

“Why’s that? He was never much interested in the old man’s case—too young to remember much of it.” Christina sat next to him on the couch and he grabbed her hand and pulled it into his lap.

“I guess Ryan didn’t tell you.”

“Uh-oh. Tell me what?”

“Some true crime writer contacted him about doing a book on Dad, and I think he agreed.”

Christina squeezed his hand. “It must be that one we saw on TV, the one Ray told us about. Are you okay with that?”

Eric blew out a breath. “Maybe it’s time.”

“Maybe it’s time I get to know my niece a little.” Sean pushed up from his chair and joined Elise and Kendall on the floor.

“We can give this stuff to Ryan.” She shoved the box with the toe of her shoe. “You’re sure you’re okay with a book?”

He cupped the side of her face with one hand. “I’m okay with a lot of things.”

“I’ll never keep anything from you again, Eric. I was so foolish.”

He kissed her mouth and drew his tongue across her lips. “Very foolish, and you’re going to have to pay in oh, so many ways.”

Her dark eyes lit up. “I’ll do anything to make it up to you...anything your heart desires.”

Her low, purring voice sent a shaft of lust straight to his core. “When is Kendall’s nap time again?”

She chuckled and nuzzled his ear. “Looks like Kendall has bewitched her Uncle Sean.”

He slipped his hands beneath her shirt, spanning her bare back. “Her mother bewitched me long ago—and she didn’t even need her special powers to do it.”

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