Page 51 of The Husband Season

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‘It is more than nothing.’ He paused to look closely at her, but she refused to meet his gaze. ‘It cannot be that you have had an offer of marriage, for that would not make you look so wan, so let me hazard a guess. It is your brother who brings the frown to your brow and drains the colour from your cheeks. Am I right?’

It was easier to agree than tell the truth, that it was he who disturbed her and set her emotions racing. ‘He was out all night. I fear something bad has befallen him.’

‘Why do you think that?’

‘Because...’ She stopped and then went on, ‘Because there are so many thieves and cutthroats about.’

He took her shoulders in his hands so that she was obliged to face him. ‘Look at me.’ Slowly she lifted her eyes to his. ‘Now look me in the eye and tell me the truth. I cannot bear to see you like this.’

He sounded so concerned, it gave a great leap to her heart, but then it subsided back into the despair she had been feeling ever since Teddy told her of his troubles. ‘My lord, I have told you the truth.’

‘Then I shall be obliged to guess again. He is in dun country and has applied to you to get him out of it.’

‘He wouldn’t do that. He knows I cannot.’

‘He needs a horsewhip to his back.’ It was spoken angrily.

‘Oh, no,’ she cried. ‘He cannot help it. It is the way he is.’

He smiled. ‘There is no end to what love can forgive, is there?’

She had no answer to that. ‘Let us go back and see if he has returned,’ she said. ‘I cannot enjoy the ride while I am worrying about him.’

‘Very well.’

He helped her to remount, then sprang into his own saddle. ‘Have you seen Captain Moore lately?’ he asked her.

She was so startled by this question coming so unexpectedly, her hands tightened on the reins and Swift shied. Steadying her gave her time to think of an answer. ‘Not lately,’ she said. ‘Why do you ask?’

‘Because wherever the captain is, there will your brother be.’

‘Oh, no, he hasn’t seen him, either.’

‘But you said you hadn’t seen Captain Moore lately.’

‘I forgot. I met him by chance yesterday and he told me so.’

‘I see.’

He didn’t believe her, she knew that, but she was too ashamed of what she had done to tell the truth. He would be disgusted with her. Nor could she tell him what Teddy had suggested as a way out; it would put him in the invidious position of having to let her down gently. Nor did she want him to think she would even consider marrying him for his money, even in the unlikely event that he would agree. They rode on in silence.

* * *

When they arrived outside her aunt’s house, he dismounted and held out his hands to help her down. She slid off the saddle and straight into his arms. He held her there several seconds longer than was proper. It was long enough for her to feel the warmth of him, the beating of his heart, his strength and the feeling of being safely enclosed from harm.

He let her go and smiled down at her. ‘Let us go inside and see if your brother has returned.’

But he had not, and even Lady Cartrose was beginning to be concerned. ‘You hear such dreadful tales of footpads and the like,’ she said to Adam. ‘I have sent round to Mrs Malthouse and to Lady Martindale but they have not seen him since the picnic. I cannot go to the gentlemen’s clubs and I cannot think where else he could be. You haven’t seen him, have you, my lord?’

‘No, my lady, I am afraid I have not. But don’t worry. I’ll take Swift back to the stables and go in search of him. He cannot be far away.’

‘Would you? Oh, that is kind of you. Isn’t that kind of him, Sophie?’

Sophie had not recovered from the sensation of being held in his arms and was wishing he had never let her go, for now she felt unsteady and isolated once more. ‘Oh, yes,’ she managed to say. ‘But we are keeping his lordship from other matters more important to him.’

‘Nothing that cannot wait,’ he said. ‘I will locate Mr Cavenhurst and bring him home to you.’

‘And if you cannot find him?’ Sophie queried.

‘Then I will come back and tell you so. Had you planned to go out this afternoon?’

‘Only for a carriage ride and a little shopping,’ her ladyship said. ‘We can easily postpone that. This evening we were all going to the opera.’

‘I hope to have him back with you long before then.’
