Page 32 of Sweet Revenge

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I kissed her again.

It actually was the smartest thing I’d ever done. Throwing my bike in front of her car that day had taken careful calculation and planning. Even then it didn’t go quite right and I was scared for a brief moment that I was actually going to get hurt seriously, possibly even killed.

But luckily it had all gone down without a hitch. And now here we were all these months later. We were two crazy kids in love with a beautiful, bright future ahead of us.

As I held my new wife and thought about how amazing my life was turning out I couldn’t have imagined one single thing going wrong, not one.

But life had a way of never working out quite as well as you thought it was going to.

That’s a lesson that I seemed to never learn, despite repeated attempts by the universe to teach it to me.

Chapter Eleven


The resort was one of the most beautiful things I’d ever seen. I hadn’t stopped being amazed by what my eyes beheld for the past few hours since we’d landed. And now that we were in our room I was still blown away. Everything was working out perfectly and our honeymoon had not officially even started yet.

But I had a feeling it was about to heat up in some super intense ways.

“Wow, this place is intense!” I said as I walked from the main room of our suite into the bedrooms, then checked out the huge bathroom and shower, and then finally took a seat at the kitchen table.

Ted tipped the bellboy and when he left closed the door behind him. “I have to say I agree.”

He grabbed us a few beers and sat down in front of me. I nodded a thank you and took a big drink from mine.

“So, what was up with the turbulence flying in?” Ted asked. “I thought for sure we were going to die halfway through the flight.”

“I know,” I replied. “I’m not sure there is much the pilots can do when that happens, but I almost feel that we should complain and get some sort of a discount.”

Ted laughed. “Look at you worried about a discount.”

“What? Just because I have money, doesn’t mean I enjoy wasting it or not getting what I paid for.”

“I admire that,” Ted said. “That down home work ethic. It’s nice. A lot of people in your position would never have stayed as grounded.”

I smiled. “I guess. Do you think I’m too grounded? I know that sort of thing can get really annoying.”

Ted laughed. “No, I don’t think so. You are the perfect amount.”

I giggled. “In fact, you are the perfect amount for a lot of things.”

Ted stood up and began undressing. “I think it’s time for a nice shower. I smell like airplane and travelling. Would you like to join me, my dear?’

I was right behind him, but in the shower he was right behind me within minutes. It was always so good to take it from behind.

“So, would you like to try something different?” Ted proposed in the middle.

I was getting close to orgasm, but I was very interested in what he might have in mind.

“Sure,” I said.

A moment later I heard Ted lathering his stiff cock up with some liquid soap. And then I felt the head of his dick pressing into my ass. I braced myself. I’d never actually experienced this but I’d always been kind of curious. Before this I’d never met anyone that I trusted enough to try the back door, but I trusted Ted with all my heart and soul.

Soon, he was deep inside of me. It felt different at first, but as I got into it I loved it. There was an intimacy to it that was different than straight intercourse. It didn’t hurt at all. I imagined because Ted went slowly and he made sure to include adequate lubrication.

As he fucked me anally, his other hand reached around and fingered my pussy.

Soon I came, and I came hard.

Afterwards I was pleasantly surprised with what had occurred. It was another first for us and I was glad I’d saved something so intimate for him. It was just another beautiful expression of our lovemaking and I’d enjoyed it so much. I was looking forward to it again sometime in the near future.

Though we’d been travelling for a long while and we’d just landed, we decided not to waste the first day recovering just from travelling. We were fairly young after all, and both in very good physical condition.

We checked on our itinerary of places we wanted to go and visit and set out on our first journey. I was excited beyond belief. I truly felt the same sense of wonder and giddiness that a young child feels when they are on vacation for the first time with their family. Everything is new and exciting because you haven’t experienced anything yet and all you see and do just takes on a much more pronounced experience in your mind.
