Page 40 of Hot Stuff

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It feels a little strange to be walking this hall in the light of day while she still sleeps, but it feels good at the same time.

I never expected last night to end like it did, but I wouldn’t change it for anything.

I just have to deal with the consequences now.


“Jake,” I whisper. “Hey. I need a favor.”

He’s silent for a moment, and I wonder what the hell he’s thinking. I’m late. I don’t have time for him to be considering life’s meaning or some shit while he’s on the phone with me.

“Hello? Earth to Jake.”

“This is the call of shame, isn’t it?” he asks astutely, and not for the first time, I wish he weren’t quite as smart as he is.

“No, no, it is not.” I catch his drift, but there’s no shame in what happened between Lauren and me last night. No shame at all. “It’s the call of poor planning. I just need you to go meet Bethanny and get the kids so she doesn’t give me shit. Please. Tell her I’m at work.”

“Listen, if I’m going to leave the jobsite to do you a favor—”

“You’re not on the job. It’s Saturday.”

“I could be.”

I chuckle softly. “But you’re not.”

“Yeah, well, neither are you, and I really need to know where you are. I have to know what kind of lie I’m in.”

“It’s not technically a lie,” I correct, even though it definitely is one. “Just get them. I’ll meet you in an hour at the diner to pick them up.”

“You know it’s more fun to be involved in dating drama when you’re on the outside looking in. But I’m really going to need details.”

“I know. Trust me, I know. I was there once. And you’re not getting any.”

“Don’t kid yourself,” he retorts, and amusement drips from his voice. “One little pry bar and you’ll crack like an egg.”

“I’m a vault.”

“You’re a closet safe at best. I can have you open with a grinder in under five minutes.”

“Don’t forget, I sometimes carry an ax with my profession.”

“I carry a hammer. And a saw. And a nail gun. What’s your point?”

“It was supposed to be a threat.”

“Oh.” Jake guffaws. “Well, clearly, I’m very scared.”

“You really do suck right now.”

“Hah,” he scoffs. “I’m pretty sure I’m the one going to get your kids right now. I don’t have to do that, you know…”

“I’ll go get them!” I hear Holley say excitedly in the background, making me sink my head into my hands.

“Bro, do you have me on speakerphone right now?”

“Bluetooth in the truck,” Holley says helpfully. “Sorry, by the way. Didn’t realize this conversation was going to be so juicy. Want me to hit myself over the head to erase my memory?”

“Is the baby in the car?”


“Then, no.”

“Fantastic,” Holley says with a laughing lilt. She pauses briefly, and it’s like I know something else is coming.

I try to get off the phone before it can happen. “Thanks. I gotta run—”

“I’m really happy for you, Garrett,” Holley talks over me, not letting my attempt at escape foil her one bit. “Jake doesn’t seem to think whoever you’re dating is a she-witch, and that’s really a step up. I mean, from what I hear. I didn’t have too many interactions with your ex, myself.” She does her typical cute Holley ramble. “What I’m trying to say is that I’m really glad you’re starting to get out there. Starting to move on. You deserve to be happy.”

“Well…thanks. It’s new, but thanks.”

“Of course!” she says cheerfully. “One question, though.”


“Do you think she’d want to do a paint and sip class with me? I’m really trying to branch out, get out of the house with girlfriends, and—”

“No offense, Holl,” I cut her off on an exasperated laugh, “but I’m kind of still trying to spend time with her myself right now.”

“I hear you, but you should just ask her,” Holley persists.


“What, dude? What do you want me to do here?”

I heave a sigh. “Just go get my kids. I’ll see you in forty-five minutes, an hour, tops.”

Sometimes, I really miss flip phones. They were so much better for dramatically ending phone calls. Slam, boom, clap, crash! I could smack that thing into oblivion hanging it up if I wanted to. These days, all I get to do is gently tap a button on the screen. It’s anticlimactic.

Quickly, I head back into Lauren’s bedroom on light feet and pad my way over to the bed. She’s still out, the peaceful flutter to her eyelashes and gentle curve to her mouth suggesting she’s dreaming of something good. I feel bad that I have to wake her up, but with time dwindling, I really have no other option.

There’s absolutely no way I’m going to sneak out of here without her knowing and have her fall down a rabbit hole of assumptions.
