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When I open my eyes, the first thing that I notice is that my girl is not by my side anymore. When I pulled out of her tight cunt, she fell fast asleep. I didn’t have the heart to wake her, though I needed her again, I will always put her first. I stripped out of my clothes, looking down at my cock, the sight of her virgin blood at the base made me hard all over again. Shaking my head in disbelief, I climbed into bed beside her. I feel like the luckiest bastard in the world, being her first. I am damn sure going to be the last as well. I pulled her close and slept. Her in my arms was everything.

I felt like a motherfucking king. It was the first time I haven’t had nightmares of Afghanistan. Ever. Ten years ago, I saw things no one should ever have to see. I’ve done things that I am not proud of, but I love my country and I did my duty. Jennifer never gave a fuck about me and certainly not about V. With Verity, I don’t have that issue at all. I do realize that though I thought I knew what love was, I had no idea. I get out of bed and hop into the shower. I don’t want to wash the scent of her pussy off of me, but I am the type to need a shower in order to start the day.

After taking a quick one, I pull on some basketball shorts and head into the kitchen. Looking at the clock on the stove, I can see that Verity should be back any minute from taking V to school.

The thoughtful girl that she is, already has the coffee brewed, so I take out the fixings to make omelets and bacon. I am flipping the last one when I hear my truck pull up. As much as I like her driving my truck she really needs a car again.

A few weeks ago, her car was vandalized so badly, that it was a total loss. From insults to pouring sugar in the gas tank, whoever did this knew what they were doing. Sheriff Lawrence has the matter in his hands at this point. That doesn't stop me from worrying. My girl is the kindest person you'll ever meet. I have no idea who or why anyone would want to do that to her. I am hoping it was just a cruel joke, but I can't shake the feeling that it's something much more than that.

She breezes in the side door off of the kitchen. For the first time, I don’t have to hold back. I watch her eyes rake over my body. My cock hardens at her stare. When her eyes reach mine, I can see the lust in them. I pull her into my arms and kiss her as though I’ll never get enough of her. Let’s face it, I won’t.

When I pull back, she smiles at me, her face flushed.

“Hi.” She says.

“Hi. V get off to school okay?” I ask.

“Yep. All good. She has an after-school piano lesson. She will need to be picked up at Mrs. Ignacio’s house. It will be over at 5:30. Sorry, it wasn’t on the calendar. I have class until seven tonight and she wants chili for dinner.”

“Got it. Do you want the cornbread the way you like it?”

“Of course. You know that I do. I fucking love that stuff. It’s like crack.” She says laughing.

I am filled with a kind of caveman-ish feeling of pride that I know what she likes and that I am able to provide it for her even something as little as cooking for her. She deserves everything I can give her.

We eat our breakfast in comfortable silence. When we are done she starts doing the dishes.

“I feel like we should talk about last night,” I say. Her gaze snaps to mine and she looks like she might cry. “Shit, Sunshine. That didn’t come out like I meant it to.”

“How did you mean it to?” She asks, going back to the skillet she is washing.

“I think that we should keep this quiet for now.”

“You want this to b

e a secret?” I can’t have her thinking this way. I move towards her. She is facing the sink, but I reach around her and set the pan in the dish strainer. I then turn her to face me. Her hands are at her sides, but she places them on my chest. I put my right hand on her cheek.

“Definitely not. I just meant that maybe we should ease V into this. I don’t want to upset her.”

“I totally get that, but I don’t think I could handle being a secret from everybody else.”

“Fuck no. You are not a secret, Kitten. I am going to make damn sure that everybody knows you are fucking mine.” I growl out.

I feel her little shiver at my words and I pull her closer. Leaning down, I kiss her neck, nipping at it, causing her to inhale sharply. When I move to the other side of her neck, providing the same treatment, she exhales with a moan.

“I think that I like that.” She leans further into my touch while tilting her head to the side to give me more access.

“You like that you are mine or that I am kissing you?” I move down her neck to kiss her chest.

“B-both?” She says.

“You say that like you are unsure.” I give her ass a little slap before squeezing it.

“No, I am sure, it’s both.” Her voice comes out even more breathless than before.

I chuckle. “You are so fucking beautiful, Verity, and so fucking mine.”

“Yeah? I could get used to that.” She says, before pulling my face up and kissing me. “I really hate to end this like this, but I have a class starting in twenty minutes. I don’t want to be late. My Uber will be here soon.” She says, kissing me again.
