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“I’m fine, Julien. I just need—” Priest’s words broke off as he got to his feet and moved toward the bathroom. He was about as far from fine as they were from the moon. “I need to focus so I can think. Go and let Robert in before he changes his mind.” Julien knew Priest meant both for the night and about them.

Merde, what was in that message? The last Julien had heard, Priest’s father was in jail for a long, long time.

With his stomach in knots, Julien turned and headed down to the front door, and when he reached it and pulled it open, Robbie—beautiful, fresh-faced Robbie—stood in the hallway with a suitcase, an overnight bag, and two smaller ones in his hands, and a smile so sweet that Julien wanted to pull him into his arms and never let him go.

“You told me the offer would stay open,” Robbie said, and raised the two bags in his hands and flashed a shy grin. “I know it’s late, but I had work, and…”

Baggage, Julien thought, his eyes moving to all the baggage surrounding Robbie’s feet. Yes, we all come with baggage. But as he and Priest had recently discussed, they came with rack-loads.

Before Julien could think of anything to say, Robbie’s smile fell and he dropped his bags to the floor. He stepped forward, reaching for Julien’s hands, and the blue eyes that had been twinkling seconds ago turned serious and concerned.

“What is it?” Robbie said. “Are you having another panic attack? Let me get you inside, find you a place to sit. I can get you some water.”

Julien shook his head. “Non. I’m fine, princesse.”

But he knew who wasn’t, and he knew who could help him. Robbie was the one who could refocus the man currently spinning out of control.

“Priest,” Julien said. “Priest would really love to see you right now.”

Robbie’s eyes narrowed slightly, confusion etched into his expression.

“He got some…troubling news tonight, and I know he would love to see you.”

Robbie went to pick up his suitcase, but Julien touched his fingers to his hand. “It’s okay. I’ll get your bags,” he said. “It’s nothing I can’t handle.”

Robbie gnawed on his lower lip and nodded. “Are you sure I should go in there? I know I should’ve called before I came over, but I couldn’t sleep and I know that sometimes he can’t. So I thought I could keep him company…I guess I took a risk.”

“You did. But it was the right thing to do, princesse. He would love nothing more than your company right now, believe me,” Julien said, and kissed Robbie’s cheek. “You came at exactly the right time.”

As Robbie walked off down the hall, Julien thought, not for the first time, that destiny had a way of giving you exactly what you needed when you most desperately needed it. And tonight, destiny had brought Robert Bianchi to their door, exactly when they needed him the most.
