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HENRI MADE SURE to keep his eyes locked with the blue ones now undressing him, as Bailey held his hand out and waited for him to take it.

Henri pushed off the door and walked forward a step, and when he slipped his fingers into Bailey’s and his cop grinned at him, Henri was close to saying to hell with the bedroom and dragging Bailey to the floor.

That grin? It was something else. It was shy, flirty, and so damn hot that when Bailey turned away to lead him through the house, Henri almost fell to his knees.

It seemed that the promise of one night had finally given his cop the permission he needed to let go, and Henri couldn’t wait to see where that took them.

So far, it had led him down a hall and walking into what he assumed was Bailey’s bedroom, and when Bailey let go of his hand, Henri stayed where he was as a bedside lamp was flicked on.

When his eyes adjusted and focused on Bailey, now standing by the bed, Henri had never been more thankful in his life to have been pulled over by a cop—especially this cop.

“Nice room,” Henri said as they continued their stare-off, and Bailey’s lips twitched.

“Did you even look at the room?”

“I’m lookin’ at you, and you’re in it. That makes it the nicest fucking room I’ve been in for years.”

Bailey swallowed and rubbed a hand over the back of his head, a gesture that showed some of the nerves Henri knew he was fighting.

He’d meant what he said earlier. He didn’t want Bailey to think tonight. Henri wanted him to let go and enjoy what they were about to do here. But to do that, Henri needed to get Bailey’s mind focused on something other than the fact that he was inviting a virtual stranger into his bed.

As he walked across the room, Henri slowly began to unbutton his shirt. He got about midway up, but when he reached his cop, he abandoned the rest of the task for Bailey’s pristine white shirt, which was still neatly tucked into his dress pants.

“I gotta say, it’s almost a shame to take these clothes off you when you fill them out so damn good. But I need to know what’s under them.” Henri tugged the shirt tails out of Bailey’s pants and took another step closer, then he leaned forward and ghosted his lips up Bailey’s jaw line. “I want to run my tongue all over you.”


Bailey’s hands came up to take hold of Henri’s biceps, as Henri’s fingers worked overtime to undo that white shirt. Once he had it open, he fisted his hands on either side of the material and walked Bailey backward until his calves hit the mattress. Then Henri gave an immoral smile, a slight shove, and Bailey’s ass hit the bed.

Bailey braced his hands behind himself to keep upright, and the move spread open his shirt, displaying all the ridges and valleys of his chest, abs, and stomach, and he was so goddamn sexy that Henri couldn’t stop himself from palming his painful erection.

“Jesus, you’re fucking built.”

Bailey said nothing, but his heated gaze dropped to the hand Henri was massaging over his dick, and he spread his legs in invitation.

Henri stepped forward between them and took in the tight fit of Bailey’s pants where they stretched across his lap, and the hard bulge that was outlined by that grey material.

Henri dropped to his knees and smoothed his hands over the thick muscles of Bailey’s thighs, squeezing, testing, getting closer to what he was dying to touch. But just as he was about to reach for his prize, Bailey placed a hand on Henri’s chest.

Henri halted and turned his attention back to Bailey’s gorgeous face, and when his cop bit down into his lip and said, “Take off your shirt first,” Henri complied.

BAILEY COULD BARELY breathe as he sat there on his bed with his legs spread wide, his cock aching, and his heart beating a mile a minute. But when Henri had gone down to his knees—the intention to drive him crazy clear—Bailey knew if he didn’t ask for this now, he would regret it later.

Ever since he’d sat down in the booth at the restaurant, Bailey had wondered whether Xander’s suspicions about more piercings on Henri were true.

The silver ring in Henri’s nose and the ones adorning his fingers were fast becoming a hot button for Bailey, and when Henri finally shrugged out of his shirt, what he revealed beneath that red material pushed that button really fucking hard.

Xander had been right. There was definitely more silver beneath Henri’s clothes.

Bailey pushed up from his hands and shifted closer to the edge of the bed, and before he could stop himself, he reached out and fingered the small silver bar running through Henri’s nipple. He had one through each, and Bailey sucked in a shaky breath of air.
