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When Bailey shook his head, Henri smirked and then leaned in to brush their lips together. “Thank God for that. ’Cause good’s never really been my thing. But being bad?” He nipped at Bailey’s lower lip. “Well, I’m a fucking expert at that.”

Bailey cursed and dug his fingers into Henri’s waist as he thrust his hips forward. “This is crazy. I have a house full of people, and—”

Bailey’s words cut off as Henri kissed his way down the line of his neck and then tugged at the zipper of his hoodie. “And what?”

Bailey’s head fell back against the side of the house, his breathing coming much faster now. “And all I want is to feel your hands on me again.”

Henri slowly slid the zipper down, and when Bailey’s naked chest came into view, Henri groaned. “So I’m not the only one who wants to be bad tonight. Is that what you’re telling me?”

Bailey chewed on his lower lip as Henri began to kiss his way down his neck to his chest, then he scraped his teeth over Bailey’s nipple.

“I don’t do things like this,” Bailey said, as he gripped the back of Henri’s head. “Not ever.”

His cop wasn’t telling him anything new. Henri already knew that Bailey was more the commitment type, just as he had always been the no-strings-attached type. But with each look, each touch, each run-in the two of them had, Henri could see they were both starting to change their minds. They were both looking for ways to bend their rule for just another moment with each other, and he was starting to think that being caught up in this man’s strings just might be the best fucking experience of his life.

Bailey looked down at him with sex-hazed eyes, as Henri moved lower, kissing and sucking at Bailey’s smooth skin, making his way down past his abs until he was on his knees, right there in the dirt.

Henri’s eyes roamed up Bailey’s body to his face, and when his hips bucked forward, Henri reached for the button of his jeans.

“Just another taste,” Henri said, as he flicked the button free and pulled the zipper down. “That’s all I want…that’s all I need. Another taste of you.”

“Oh shit…shit.” Bailey was rolling his hips forward now, thrusting his erection in Henri’s face, and when his fingers tightened in Henri’s hair, a grunt of pleasure escaped his throat.

Henri aimed his eyes in Bailey’s direction as he inched his briefs down and pulled his cock free. Then he moved up to his knees and dragged his tongue from root to tip.

“Henri,” Bailey said, shaking where he stood, propped up against the side of his house. “You… I… Oh God.”

The last two words were a tortured moan, as Henri licked over the head of Bailey’s dick. But when the hands in his hair began urging him to his feet, Henri took one last taste before obeying.

When he was back to his full height, Henri once again caged Bailey in by plastering himself to his front and wedging a foot between his thighs. As his jeans rubbed up against Bailey’s naked cock, a desperate sound left him and he grabbed Henri’s hips.

“Shit, you’re driving me insane,” Bailey said. “I’ve never wanted anyone the way I want you.”

The high Henri got from the arousal he could see, feel, and now taste on his tongue drove him forward, drove him that much closer to the most dangerous edge he’d ever stood on. “And how do you want me?”

Bailey’s eyes locked on his, and the raw honesty Henri saw there was unlike anything he’d seen before. “Any way I can have you.”

And that was it: Henri jumped off the edge.

He crushed his lips down on top of Bailey’s in a blistering kiss, and if there’d been any doubt that his cop was upset that Henri had shown up there tonight, the intensity of Bailey’s response would’ve banished it in an instant.

Bailey shoved off the side of the house, his fingers tightening on Henri’s ass. He parted his lips and Henri dove inside; Bailey groaned, and the sound went straight to Henri’s dick.

Not a second later, Henri had Bailey back against the wall, the desperate push and pull between them reigniting the wildfire, as Bailey all but climbed up Henri’s body to get closer to him.

His cop felt incredible, all those hard muscles straining against his, and it wasn’t long before Henri was moving like they were already naked, and he was balls deep inside.

The wind in the leaves, and the muffled sounds of Bailey’s guests, was a gentle reminder of where they were and that someone could walk out at any moment. But Henri didn’t give a shit, and neither, apparently, did the man who was all but fucking his leg, as he bit and sucked at Henri’s lower lip.
